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What do all the placeholders in the Solomon IV 4.x data source template mean? : Revision #5

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What do all the placeholders in the Solomon IV 4.x data source template mean?

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DonorHub includes a template to support Microsoft's Solomon accounting system.  Using this template, you simply need to fill out a few placeholders, and you're up and running quickly.  

These are the placeholders to fill out to make the connection:


These placeholders are used to establish a connection to SQL Server.  Provide the server name and the name of the Solomon application database, as well as the SQL Server login and password.  To test this, use SQL Server Management Studio.  The $LOGIN$ should not be confused with a Solomon login which has nothing to do with a SQL Server login.  The SQL Server account used must have read access to the tables in the database.


 This is seen on the Solomon login screen.


This is usually "ACTUAL".


This is the GL account used for carry over balances to start the fiscal year.


These placeholders may be left blank.  However, if you'd like for their to appear to be sub accounts (Responsiblity Centers) for advances, then you may fill in these placeholders.  For example, if there were a sub account "1000", you could have a sub account also appear to DonorHub as "1000-Advances", and this newly generated (fake) account would contain transactions related to advances for sub account "1000".

If you prefer English, you could set $FIN_ACCT_ADV_SUFFIX$ to "Advances".  Feel free to set this to whatever makes the most sense in your organization.

$ADVANCE_ACCT_PREFIX$ is whatever prefix  would define the GL account(s) for advance transactions.  (In many organizations, this would typically be "12".)

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