can take the burden of printing and mailing Year End Statements off your plate. They specialize in printing and mailing newsletters for missionaries, but their experience applies equally well for organizational mailings.
You can contact them to get started with the process of setting up how your Year End Statements will appear. From DonorWise, all you need to do is run a query and export it to Excel. Securely upload that Excel file to, and they can take it from there.
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How to Export Donations For The Year to Excel
In DonorWise, under the "Tools" menu, click on "Run Query". If you don't see "Run Query" make sure you're a member of the "Report Writer" role (in the "Manage Users" screen), and also make sure you're on a recent version.
Run this query (when prompted for "Parm1", enter the year you're reporting on):
SELECT GiftView.DonorID, GiftView.DonorName, ContactView.MainEmail AS DonorEmail, ContactView.Greeting AS DonorGreeting, ContactView.MainAddressBlock AS DonorAddress, GiftView.ReceivedDate, GiftView.GiftAmount, GiftView.PaymentTypeCode, DesigView.DesigID, DesigView.ShortName AS DesigName, GiftView.DonationMemo
FROM GiftDonationActualView AS GiftView INNER JOIN DesigView ON GiftView.DesigID = DesigView.DesigID INNER JOIN ContactView ON GiftView.DonorID = ContactView.ContactID
WHERE (YEAR(GiftView.ReceivedDate) = ?) AND (GiftView.DesigID <> 3) AND (GiftView.PaymentTypeCode <> N'FLOW-THRU') AND (GiftView.PaymentTypeCode <> N'TRANSFER')
ORDER BY GiftView.DonorID, GiftView.DesigID, GiftView.ReceivedDate
Then click "Export" to save a CSV/Excel file.