DonorWise TM
Enhanced communication with donors, enhanced ministry credibility...
Approve Batches




It is our pleasure to provide this software free of charge to help you in your ministry.  We're so thankful for our partners who make this possible!

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Approve Batches

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Approve Batches

1.Select the <Approve Batches> link.

The number in parenthesis (if any) will indicate the number of batches ready for this action.

2.Review the donation batch

You can Explore a batch (view it) by double-clicking on it. In particular, pay attention to any amounts in the four right-hand columns.

Unusual Amounts

Reversals Only


Will be Back Posted

You can also Edit the batch by right-clicking on it and selecting Edit from the context menu.

3.Approve the batch.

Press the <Approve Selected Batches> button.

4.Review the <Batch Transactions Report>, if necessary.