TntConnect TM
Helping you build powerful connections for a lifetime of ministry...

How can I encrypt my TntConnect database file?: Revision #8 from Bob!

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How can I encrypt my TntConnect database file?

First of all, you should know where you keep your database file.  If you're not sure, check out this article:

Because your TntConnect database is a file on your hard drive, and because you probably have lots of other files that need privacy and protection, we recommend a good disk encryption utility.  There are many free solutions, and there might even be an encryption solution built in to your current operating system.

Here's a good resource to let you know what your options are:
    TrueCrypt is discontinued, try these free alternatives

If you're concerned about privacy with your files in Dropbox, we'd recommend Boxcryptor to ensure that all your sensitive files are encrypted before they leave your computer and upload to the cloud.