TntConnect TM
Helping you build powerful connections for a lifetime of ministry...

How can I force a fresh reinstall of TntConnect on my Mac?: Revision #10 from Bob!

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How can I force a fresh reinstall of TntConnect on my Mac?

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To force a fresh install of TntConnect via CrossOver on your Mac:

1.  Make sure TntConnect isn't currently running.

2.  Delete all of your existing CrossOver "bottles". 

To see all of your existing bottles, click the Bottles icon in the CrossOver tool bar.  Then, for each bottle, select it and click the delete button below:


3.  After you delete all of your existing bottles, you can follow these instructions for installing TntConnect:


Don't worry, you won't lose your data.  Your TntConnect database files are typically stored in your “Documents” or "Dropbox" folder.  Think of it this way:  Reinstalling Word won’t cause you to lose all your Word documents.