The following advice explains how you can effectively manage support information from multiple currencies in one TntMPD database.
Pledge Entry
Enter the pledge amount in the currency of what the donor gives in. A $50/month donor would have a pledge of 50 / month. A 100 EURO / month donor would have a pledge of 100 / month.
Total Pledges/Averages
If you wanted to know total pledges or total monthly averages, you’d look at the Analysis screen and look at total pledges per country (sorry, but this is a poor example since my database only has one country):
You’d pretty much always disregard the “Support Progress” box (until the next major version of TntMPD!).
If Per Country is Not Enough
If “per country” is not going to work (because of exception cases), you could create a User field called “Currency”, and then in Analysis, you could look at total pledges “Per Currency”.
You’d just have to maintain this user field when adding new donors:
Developer Note
In the future, TntMPD is expected to have more official support for tracking support in multiple currencies. But, for now, assuming that most individual donors don’t give in more than one currency, the logic in TntMPD for auto-thank yous, etc. will still work well.