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Comments: How can I run an ad-hoc SQL query within TntMPD? from Bob!

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How can I run an ad-hoc SQL query within TntMPD?

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By: Troy Wolbrink Posted on 1 Jul 2014 5:10 PM
100% of people found this useful

I didn't want to make Update Queries too easy to run ... safety reasons.  So to run your update query, you have to double-click on its entry in the Queries list to the left.

By: Steve Balzer Posted on 1 Jul 2014 4:13 AM


"...I can identify them via the *query..."

By: Steve Balzer Posted on 1 Jul 2014 4:11 AM

I have 244 gift records that are incorrectly flagged as AvailableOnWeb. I can identify them via the memo.


WHERE [Gift].[Memo] = "not available" AND  [Gift].[AvailableOnWeb] = TRUE;

Instead of manually going through each record in the GUI and unchecking the box, I was hoping to update this using the following update query.

UPDATE Gift SET Gift.AvailableOnWeb = FALSE, Gift.LastEdit = NOW()

WHERE [Gift].[Memo] = "not available" AND  [Gift].[AvailableOnWeb] = TRUE;

However, after saving this query, why does the Run (and Rename, FWIW) button remain disabled?