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How can I run TntMPD on Linux?: Revision #3 from Bob!

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How can I run TntMPD on Linux?

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Note:  This article has been tested with TntMPD 3.0.17 on a 32-bit Ubuntu 12.04.3. 
If you’re on 64-bit Linux, read this.

As of Ubuntu 14.04, more is needed.  TntMPD needs a 32-bit /bin/sh to exist, but Ubuntu 14.04 now comes
with 64-bit binaries. seems like it might be needed
to emulate a 32-bit environment.  Also, keep you eyes on this Stack Overflow question on the same topic. 

TntMPD can run on Linux via CrossOver (a commercial product) or Wine (a free open-source product).

To install TntMPD on Wine, open a terminal and enter some commands:

  1. apt-get install wine
    to install Wine.
  2. wine SetupTntMPD.exe
        in the same directory as “SetupTntMPD.exe” to install TntMPD and all the required runtimes.
  3. wine TntMPD.exe
        in the same directory as “TntMPD.exe” to get it running.

Here's a screenshot: