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How do I create an installation CD for TntMPD to share with others? : Revision #9 from Bob!

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How do I create an installation CD for TntConnect to share with others?

Ruben & Sarita Lama

Staff #2771692

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My name is Ruben Lama born and brought up in orthodox Buddhist Family. At my childhood and Buddhist conception, I used to think all real peace, happiness and prosperity comes only being the followers of god and goddess, especially Buddha. I am an eldest son in my family, as an eldest son at home my parents wanted me to make a great Teacher of Buddhist priest which we call Monk because this is top and honorable position in Buddhist society.
In 1992 October one of my relative brother who is Christian student studying in College. One day as he shared me about the love of Jesus Christ by singing meaningful Gospel songs each song word impress me/touch my heart and at last he challenges me to accept Christ personally, I decided myself and by faith I honestly invited Jesus Christ as my personal saviour and Lord through a small prayer of faith.
After accepting Christ into my life I felt agape love of God, divine peace, real joy & happiness and assurance of spending eternity with Christ. Right from that time I am not only a simple Christian but according to His calling for missionary works, after Bible College from Channei and Nine Months Great Commission Training Center of Nepal Campus Crusade for Christ, I and my family (Wife Sarita and only one son Rusal) fully committed our rest of whole time to serve Christ among the lost people of this generation and "We claim that there is no great work then serving God". These days we are working in Central Region Nepal.

Campus Crusade for Christ ministry is a faith-mission organization. We need Prayer & Financial support to continue this movement. It is international CCC rule that every staff of CCC has to raise their living allowance plus Ministry expenses by themselves. We respectfully seek your Partnership through Prayer, Participation & support.
Would you please consider our Salary, Ministry expenses, as the Lord leads.
Please send your contribution to
Campus Crusade for Christ.
Ministry Services 2400
100 Lake Hart Drive Orlando,
FL 32832-0100, A/C # 2771692 “Nepal Staff”
(Please Note: Make a check/draft in favor of "Campus Crusade for Christ" and send it in address (…above) including a note that reads: To
Mr./Mrs. Ruben Lama, Account #2771692.
staff of Nepal CCC#2771692.)
Thank you for helping us to help reach the gospel in our region.
To know more about my .......................

Designation: Campus Team Leader Lalitpur
GCTC: 1999-2000 (10 Years in Nepal Campus Crusade for Christ Ministry)
Ministry Experienced: 13 years both in Campus and Churches Ministry.

For God is not unjust so as to forget your work and the love you have demonstrated for His name….Heb. 6:10
Thank you!
Please write us just few lines of your prayer points. We will bring it before the throne of God.

In His Service
Mr. Ruben Lama

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