If you are trying to open a TntMPD database on a network share or network drive and if you receive this error message:
The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file '\\SharedComputer\My Documents\Something.mpddb'. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data.
Here's one possible solution that seems to work most of the time:
From the host computer:
1. Open the folder where this TntMPD database exists.
2. Select the database ("Gerry.mpddb").
3. Under the "Edit" menu, click on "Copy".
4. Under the "Edit" menu, click on "Paste".
(You should now have an additional file "Copy of Something.mpddb".)
5. Delete the original database file ("Something.mpddb").
6. Rename the "Copy of Something.mpddb" to "Something.mpddb" (remove "Copy Of" from the name).
That's it! This little trick seems to take care of the problem most of the time. Hopefully it works for you!