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TntConnect doesn't offer a mail merge with Pages for Mac option. You can still do it, but you'd have to do it manually:
Hi - is there an option to do a mail merge with Pages for Mac?
AIXnPanes, I'm afraid this sounds more like a Word:mac issue, and I'm a little out of my league here. Most of my experience is with Word on Windows.
I have trouble with this on the Mac but not on Windows. On the Mac I get the Mail Merge Manager box and a Word doc with a preview page for my envelope.
In the Mail Merge Manager, section 5, the only active items are the record number box and the View All Palceholders box. The remaining items are inactive.
In section 6, only the Merge Data Range and From and To boxes are active; the three buttons are not.
I have used Merge Favorites in the Mail Merge To Microsoft Word:mac box and I am using an envelope template. The preview gets filled in properly from the template. I just can't complete the merge.
In step 6 of the mail merge manager on the Mac, you'll see the third button is "Merge to Email". Here's a youtube video on it:
Can you do the e-mail merge on a Mac. I opened the Mail merge manager but found nothing regarding e-mails?
Close Word:mac completely (File|Quit). Then try the merge. This should cause the "Mail Merge Manager" to appear. If not, click on "Mail Merge Manager" under the "Tools" menu.
I've tried to use mail merge with TntMPD for Mac using Word:mac and it will go so far as to open up a Word doc but no set up comes up to finish the process, am I missing something?
Hi Mike, You might consider doing your mail merge through Word:mac. TntMPD for Mac can now do this.
This does not work! TntMPD does not export it in CSV. Word on the Mac tries to convert the file and none of the options correctly delimit the feilds or records. At present, I am unable to use this feature on TntMPD. I would appreciate any suggestions.