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Comments: How does "Sync with MailChimp" work in TntConnect 3.0? from Bob!

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How does "Sync with MailChimp" work in TntConnect 3.0?

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By: Troy Wolbrink Posted on 29 Mar 2014 10:14 PM

Makes sense, Matt.  I'll strongly consider this...

By: rwdelling Posted on 18 Jun 2014 8:14 PM

Is there any way to sync a custom field in Mail chimp with a custom field in TNT?   Specific situation:   on our mail chimp online signup form, we have a required field that says "I would like to learn how to Support You financially" - YES or NOT AT THIS TIME.     I would like Mail chimp to sync this with a custom field in TNT so that I can search in TNT by all people that selected YES on this form.

By: Troy Wolbrink Posted on 21 Jun 2014 11:16 PM

@rwdelling, TntMPD doesn't support custom fields the way you describe.

By: JasonHensley Posted on 16 Aug 2014 8:35 PM

Can you tell me if it's possible to sync a Group that I've defined with a specific mail list at MailChimp.  For instance, I have a list of donors, and I also have a list of newsletter recipients.  I have the donors with email addresses in a specific group and would like to be able to sync those with my "donors" list at MailChimp.  Is this possible?  I could not find a way to do it.


By: Troy Wolbrink Posted on 22 Aug 2014 3:43 PM

Hi Jason,  The MailChimp Sync feature only syncs your Email Newsletter List with MailChimp.  If you want to further sub-divide this list, you can use a user field or some other optional set of fields that TntMPD can sync for you.  Click "Options..." when you first pull up the MailChimp Sync dialog to see what those fields are.

By: Hubbarduk Posted on 30 Dec 2014 6:58 PM

I am working through how TntMPD and Mailchimp work together to pass the information on others using the programme in the organisation. When I make a change in Mailchimp, for example Firstname, a note appears in Tnt that a change has been made. But when I change Receives Paper Newsletter from Yes to No for example, a similar note is not appearing in Tnt. What should I be looking out for to check I have everything set up correctly?

By: Troy Wolbrink Posted on 30 Jan 2015 7:06 PM

TntMPD makes Receives Paper Newsletter a read-only field (from the perspective of your partners).

By: Linda Dorr Posted on 19 Feb 2015 6:23 PM

When I synced my tnt with mailchimp, anyone who had more than one email address in tnt got entered as a new person in mailchimp so that there were duplicate people in mailchimp. Is there any way for it to instead add the second email address into the alternate address field or to look and see if the person is already there in mailchimp before creating a new person? Maybe I skipped something accidentally and didn't realize it!

By: Troy Wolbrink Posted on 16 Mar 2015 6:44 PM

Linda,  In TntMPD you mark each email as "Preferred" (the box to the right of each email address) if you want it in MailChimp.  --Troy

By: ErikPetersen Posted on 22 Jun 2015 12:23 PM

let me add that I am also getting an original address field with a tag of o_address in the form as hidden.  Is this overriding their in put during the sync, perhaps?

By: Troy Wolbrink Posted on 22 Jun 2015 8:28 PM

You can ignore the "o_address".  It's used internally by TntMPD to track changes to the address field.  That's why it's hidden.

By: ianskelley Posted on 9 Sep 2015 10:03 PM

When connecting a mailchimp account and then syncing for the first time to TNTMPD, it creates additional mailchimp fields (ex. "phone number original").

Is it okay to delete those fields?

By: Troy Wolbrink Posted on 10 Sep 2015 1:35 AM

You can delete those extra fields, but it makes it more difficult for TntMPD to sync correctly.  For example, TntMPD knows if the phone number changed, because it kept a copy of the "original" value to compare it against.  Without that "phone number original" field, TntMPD won't know if the phone number changed on the MailChimp side.

By: Sam Posted on 16 Nov 2015 7:18 AM

I would agree with Matt Martin's suggestion above to let MailChimp sync automatically any phone, street address, etc. changes into TntMPD. I have 72 contacts to go thru manually after doing an annual update request of addresses. I think the history feature to review such changes already made would save a lot of time. Thanks!


By: troy Posted on 19 Apr 2016 6:46 PM

Hey Troy! Would it be possible to add a field that updates with the most recent gift date?

I use merge tags in MailChimp and I on every newsletter, I thank people for the most recent gift (i.e. Thank you for your gift of $100 given on 4/18/2016). The reason I do this is two reasons:

1) that special/annual gift partners can see the last time they gave (a year can fly by really fast)

2) that monthly partners can see the last time they gave (in case there is a lapse)

Currently, I am doing this manually, but it would be AMAZING to automate this by adding it as a field.