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We had a church that was giving $1,000 per month, then stopped in June 2010. So now we are trying to raise our support to fill that gap. How do I remove that church's previous giving from the average to find out my current actual average is. I considered deleting the church as a contact, and their giving, but I like having that on history, just don't want it included in my current average to see how close I am to getting the support we need.
TntMPD doesn't currently offer a way to exclude certain contacts from the total average. But on the anlaysis page, if you drill down, it does seperate total averages between those w/ pledges and those without pledges (special givers).
I have a supporter who increased from $25 monthly to $50 monthly. I increased the pledge amount field and the first increased amount of $50 has come in. However, the contacts Average Monthly only goes up to $27. I realized this is the past 13 months gifts divided by 13, but I was hoping for a way to have the Average Monthly reflect the increased gift amount. Is this possible?
The average will not move up until the first $50 gift comes in.
Discussed this with Troy today as I was a little confused on this. So I post this to help others.
When filling in the missing months before the range by spreading out the latest gift before the range, the assumption is that the donor meant for that gift to last for however many months have been skipped before the range begins. So if the number of skipped months had been 3 instead of 5, the $300 would have been become $75 for 4 months instead of $50 for 6 months.
In contrast, the last gift, if over the pledge, gets divided by the pledge amount and spread into the future.
In my total pledge amount, it says I have $200 in outstanding pledges. What does that mean? It also states what I have left to raise as well. I can't figure out how this $200 got there.
Under the "Tools" menu, click on "Pledge Fulfillment Report". The contacts with "Outstanding Pledges" will be listed in a section. Outstanding pledges means that the "Pledge Received" box is not checked. This is the box to the left of the pledge amount.