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Hi, Troy. Thanks for this article. Excited about these possibilities, as I just purchased the new version of Outlook. The Google Apps option for syncing looks like it's a great idea, but unless I'm missing something, it's a little pricey IMHO. I believe you have to be a Google apps for Business customer, right? That's $5 / month for each user, which for me and my wife, means $120 a year. I may have to go that route anyway, but I'm wondering if you have any knowledge of or experience with GSyncIt ( It seems to have pretty good reviews on Google Apps Marketplace, and it's signifcantly cheaper ($19.99 one-time). Any thoughts? Thanks!
Troy, I realized that GsyncIt will sync google tasks, calendars, and notes, but will not sync e-mail. I'd still be curious on your take or other's take on the possibility of this being a more affordable sync solution for TNT <--> Outlook (GSyncIt for tasks, calendars, and notes, and using IMAP to sync e-mail). Anywhere those of us on support can be better stewards is a good thing! Thanks!
Hi Taimyr, I had never researched an individual buying Google Apps, since Campus Crusade for Christ has a big corporate account that I'm under. You mentioned stewardship, and generally anything that has a *monthly* charge to it causes me to really look for alternatives. $20 for GSyncIt sounds a lot better to me, assuming it works well.
You can definitely setup a free Gmail account in Outlook using IMAP. I have a free Gmail account as well, and I do exactly this.
But even if you go with GSyncIt, be aware that it may be a temporary solution if you're only using it because you need TntMPD to sync with Google Contacts Tasks and Calendar (and not because you *like* to use Outlook for it's own merits). TntMPD 3.1 is going to make the need to use Outlook go away in terms of syncing with Google.
Thanks for the input, Troy. I'm no longer tied to Outlook (using Google for e-mail and calendar, and Toodledo for tasks), but I recently purchased it for the drag and drop to TNT history feature. Are you saying that TntMPD 3.1 will remove the need for this as well (drag and drop email to history?). When do you anticipate release of 3.1? Thanks, Troy!
I'm hoping that TntMPD 3.1 will remove the need for Outlook completely for syncing contacts, tasks, calendar, and even for dragging in email into history. I can't say when I anticipate it as this point.
This is exciting news for me! I've been trying to set up a usable sync with Gsyncit, and I guess it's working, but syncing different contact groups seems tricky, and I really don't like using Outlook! I hope version 3.1 comes out soon!
Will this work with Outlook 2002/2003?
Looking forward to v. 3.1 because I don't have outlook, and the $ for that is not worth it. Any chance this will work from the mac, or will I still need windows version of TNT?
James, TntMPD still sync with Outlook as far back as Outlook 2000.
Duane, for now you need Windows (on your Mac via VMware, perhaps) to sync TntMPD with Outlook. But TntMPD 3.1 will work on your Mac without any need for Windows or Outlook.
Looking forward to TntMPD 3.1 for eliminating the need for Outlook. I am using it only for sync with Google Contacts. The two-step sync has issues. GO Contact Sync Mod thinks every contact in Outlook is modified every time so it copies every contact regardless whether anything really changed. Also to ensure all changes are copied both directions, it requires three sync operations: TntMPD <-> Outlook, Outlook <-> Google, and then TntMPD <-> Outlook again to get the Google changes back to TntMPD.
does this work at all on a blackberry?
Good question. Does a Blackberry sync to Outlook directly? Or to Google Contacts?
Troy if this could start syncing across google contacts directly somehow, that'd go straight into mac user ability. I'd pay money for that! It'd really help. This tool is significantly helping our ministry in New England already. Is there any other simple work-around to get more mac friendly? Majority of our volunteer leaders are on mac as well! Thanks brother!
Troy, If I have a user who uses TnTConnect with a company dataset (Google Apps Account) and a personal dataset (person Gmail account) and wants to sync both sets of Contacts with an Android what would you suggest? He wants to be on the road and update the phone contacts then sync them back to TnTConnect. Is there a method yet that can eliminate Outlook or is that still the only method for a PC environment? Also, how do you "guarantee" not to get duplicates in the syncing process if you update a contact (Gmail or Google Apps) on the Android?
For this Google Apps account, he can us the "Google Apps Sync" plug-in for Outlook. For his free Gmail account, he can use GSyncIt: which syncs his Outlook Contacts with his Gmail contacts. TntConnect can't "guarantee" no duplicates, but it shouldn't be a problem. TntConnect remembers the mapping between the TntConnect contact is and the Outlook contact id, so if you sync, then update a contact on either side, then sync, you shouldn't be creating new contacts, just updating existing ones.