TntConnect TM
Helping you build powerful connections for a lifetime of ministry...

Comments: On my PC, how can I sync TntConnect with Google Contacts or Google Calendar through Outlook? from Bob!

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On my PC, how can I sync TntConnect with Google Contacts or Google Calendar through Outlook?

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By: Nacho Posted on 25 May 2020 11:00 AM

Hi there, any news on this? Is there anyway to sync tnt and google contacts? I don't mind using outlook if needed but I understand the needed version of Outlook isn't free so I rather avoid that.

I have done this in the past manually, by exporting a csv from tntconnect and then uploading to google contacts, but it is very time consuming.


By: Troy Wolbrink Posted on 13 Jun 2020 12:13 AM

Hi Nacho, You still need Outlook for this.  This will probably the case for at least a year or more.  Adoption of DonorWise and DonorHub has been going through the roof (a good problem!), so bringing onboard all these new organizations has been taking up my time lately.