TntConnect TM
Helping you build powerful connections for a lifetime of ministry...

On my PC, how can I sync TntMPD with Google Apps Contacts through Outlook?: Revision #1 from Bob!

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On my PC, how can I sync TntConnect with Google Contacts or Google Calendar through Outlook?

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If your organization pays for Google Apps, and if you have a Windows PC, you can setup Outlook to sync with your Google Apps account using the Google Apps Sync tool.  (Note: It doesn't support Outlook 2013 quite yet.)  And since TntMPD has good support for syncing contacts with Outlook, this is a great way to go!

The Google Apps Sync tool creates a new Outlook profile, so you'll have to specify this new profile in TntMPD.  Under the "Tools" menu, click on "Microsoft Outlook", then "Settings for Sync with Outlook":

Here you can also specify any special sub-folders for Contacts you'd like to synchronize with.