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Comments: Should I use Dropbox or Google Drive to sync my database between computers? from Bob!

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Should I use Dropbox or Google Drive to sync my database between computers?

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By: BrettButcher Posted on 27 May 2010 10:05 PM

very handy and easy.  Just what I've been looking for.

By: FrancesTagaloa Posted on 23 Jul 2011 5:29 AM

This was very helpful for me and my husband who both use TnTMPD.  Thanks.

By: Bryan Williamson Posted on 24 Apr 2012 2:54 PM

I'm assuming the Dropbox Mode isn't really Dropbox exclusive?  Microsoft just amped up SkyDrive/Mesh and I'm hoping to accomplish the TntMPD DB share via that platform, plus get the "in use" warning if my wife has the file open.  Hope to test it out tonight...

By: Troy Wolbrink Posted on 25 Apr 2012 4:56 PM

It's not Dropbox exclusive.  "Dropbox Mode" is just an easy to describe nickname for the setting.

Although I am fond of Dropbox because if TntMPD's Dropbox Mode fails, and if both people make changes, Dropbox creaes a copy of the database that doesn't win the sync conflict, so that you can reconcile it later w/ TntSync.

By: KristinBorski Posted on 22 May 2013 10:13 PM

I saved my TNT database to dropbox from my windows OS.  When I try to open it in my mac, it says "there is not a windows program configured to open this file".  How can I save this to open it both on my mac and pc?

By: Troy Wolbrink Posted on 22 May 2013 10:41 PM

Hi Kristin,  In TntMPD for Mac, under the "File" menu, click on "Open".  Then select your TntMPD database in Dropbox.  --Troy

By: KristinBorski Posted on 23 May 2013 5:17 PM

Troy, I tried this and when I go to select the file, I can't select my database.  It doesn't recognize it as a compatible file.

By: Troy Wolbrink Posted on 23 May 2013 11:41 PM

Hi Kristin,  When you get an error message, click the "Details" button and report those details to the forums. --Troy

By: Michael Anderson Posted on 24 Jul 2013 7:01 PM

I noticed that there are three Tntmpd files in my Tnt Dropbox. Should I share the entire folder with my spouse? If I should share only one file which file would that be and will the others automatically update when changes are made? I see a .lock, a .laccdp, and .mpddb. thanks for this great feature and taking a couple minutes to clarify things for me.


By: Troy Wolbrink Posted on 31 Jul 2013 4:09 PM

You need to share the entire folder (containing your TntMPD database) with your spouse.

By: Christina Graves Posted on 14 Aug 2013 11:08 PM

My husband and I did this, and we can both open TnTMPD on both computers, accessing the database in dropbox without any problems or error messages. However, when I updated a record while on my computer, it didn't show up on his. Both of our TnTMPD's are accessing the database in dropbox and not on the hard drive. Any idea why they aren't syncing?

By: Troy Wolbrink Posted on 4 Sep 2013 11:45 PM

Hi Christina, are you upgraded to TntMPD 3.0?  I think this will help.

By: CarlMiller Posted on 3 Oct 2013 3:59 PM

We are a small ministry and we (office staff) have set up our fellow staff members databases to skydrive so we can keep them updated for them via a csv file.  We are considering moving from Quickbooks to Donorwise to track each individual donation.  Can we still easily maintain each individual staff members support database through our skydrive databases? Or do we have to use TNTDataserver?

By: Troy Wolbrink Posted on 7 Oct 2013 8:32 PM

Hi Carl,  Interesting approach you've taken!  This is more of a DonorWise question, but since I'm also the DonorWise developer I'll answer your question!  DonorWise can e-mail these csv files directly.  If you're moving to DonorWise, I'd strongly suggest you use TntMPD.DataServer and ask Thad Hoskins if he could host the web server portion for a small fee.

By: sandruth14 Posted on 17 Mar 2014 4:15 PM

Hi there. I don't see why you should choose between the two? You can use one storage provider, like dropbox, and then move the content to any other cloud storage provider.

I've been doing it using a nice service called 'Cloudsfer' which helps you move content between cloud systems: You should check it out.
