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Comments: TntMPD 3.0.39 and TntConnect 3.2 r9 Install on Ubuntu 14.04.02 with Unity from Bob!

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TntMPD 3.0.39 and TntConnect 3.2 r9 Install on Ubuntu 14.04.02 with Unity

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By: ike63 Posted on 27 Aug 2018 8:52 PM has the archives. Let me know if you get something working on Mint 19.

By: Kenneth Klay Posted on 27 Aug 2018 6:05 PM

I do not think I posted my question clearly. Where can I download old versions of TNTConnect like 3.5 r10? It would also be good to know the version of Wine that was used for the Mac version 3.5 r10. That should be the correct combination to try on Linux.

By: ike63 Posted on 26 Aug 2018 10:44 PM

Hi Kenneth, I also recently upgraded to Linux Mint 19. I did a lot of trial and error with versions of Wine in PoL and didn't get anything to work. Something in the Linux Mint 19 upgrade doesn't seem to play nice with the older versions of Wine. I gave up and started using a VirtualMachine running Windows 10 to run TNT. Let me know if you do find a solution. Tnt DID work in Linux Mint 18.3 and earlier for me.

By: Kenneth Klay Posted on 26 Aug 2018 1:58 AM

I tried installing TNTConnect 3.5r11 on Linux Mint 19 using the Play on Linux.I get a "serious problem" error on the install and no details. In the past on Linux you had to install the version that had been released with a mac install. But I can not find the 3.5 r10 download.

I am trying to do the install on a new computer I got last week.

How do I find the Wine compatible version or is that no longer a requirement?

Kenneth Klay

By: gwrw Posted on 13 Mar 2018 5:37 AM


I'm having the same problem mentioned above --  I try to open a saved database from inside WINE, and it wants it to be in either My Documents or the Desktop.  I've tried it in both "virtual" folders -- Documents and Desktop -- but apparently TntConnect parses the file path and see that even though it appears to originate from the C: drive, it has a a prefix going back even further to a Z: drive.  Is this a security feature?

Clicking on the link "Search for database" apparently worked for JennyBeth (above), but it continues to gives me the same error.  I've tried every way I can think of to open it through WINE, and I continue to get this error.

Any ideas?

Thanks so much!

By: James_Nissley Posted on 11 May 2017 6:36 PM

Thanks for the updated guide - it worked perfectly.

By: Troy Wolbrink Posted on 20 Apr 2017 11:16 PM
0% of people found this useful

Hi Andre, please post your question on the forums if you still need help.  This area is for commenting on the FAQ article about running TNT on Ubuntu.

By: andre1980 Posted on 6 Feb 2017 6:24 PM

Hello Troy, can you help me?

By: andre1980 Posted on 30 Jan 2017 9:20 AM

Hello Troy,

I copied the file to my own computer and get the following error:

De database kan niet geopend worden vanaf de C:/ drive omdat hij niet in je "mijn documenten" of Desktop directory staat.

Database = Z:\home\andre\.PlayOnLinux\\wineprefix\TNTconnect\dosdevices\c:\users\andre\Mijn Documenten\God en kerk\TNT-connect\André.mpddb

Mijn Documenten = C:\users\andre\Mijn Documenten

Desktop = C:\users\andre\Bureaublad.

-> In englisch: The database can´t be opended from the c:/drive because it isn´t in ¨my documents¨ or desktop directory.


What to do?

By: andre1980 Posted on 23 Jan 2017 9:42 AM

Hello Troy,

I think I am just going to use it on the computer of my wife. She has Windows. I might try to copy the file and see if it works.


By: Troy Wolbrink Posted on 22 Jan 2017 5:18 PM

Andre, are you trying to create a new database on Linux?  What error message are you getting?  Maybe try creating a new database on your PC or Mac and then copy the file over?

By: andre1980 Posted on 18 Jan 2017 10:06 PM

Hello, can someone please help me? I cannot create a new database. How do I do this?



By: Jonathan Vander Wal Posted on 28 Oct 2016 6:49 AM

I followed this tutorial and I successfully installed TNTConnect v3.1 r10.  It seems to run fine, but when I shut it down it says that "TNTConnect has encountered a serious error and needs to close."  Any ideas?    

By: JennyBeth Posted on 11 May 2016 3:34 PM

Ken Klay found a solution for me. In the "Please select a database" dialog, clicking "Search for a Database" under "Other options" near the bottom, rather than trying to open it under "Open an existing database," allowed me to navigate to and open it.

By: JennyBeth Posted on 7 May 2016 5:42 PM

*edit* You can probably figure this out, but the error as I copied it was after I tried it from the Desktop folder rather than from in my Documents.