TntConnect TM
Helping you build powerful connections for a lifetime of ministry...

Troubleshooting Internet Connection Issues: Revision #7 from Bob!

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Troubleshooting Internet Connection Issues

Sometimes TntMPD can not connect to the internet to download gift information, even though your computer is connected.  If you can see your donations at your organization's website using Microsoft Internet Explorer (as opposed to Firefox) than TntMPD should also be able to connect to your organization's website.

If not there are several possible reasons:

1.  Your organization's website for providing donation information is temporarily down.  If your organization provides a "Staff Web" of "Staff Portal" for viewing donation information, see if you can login using your web browser and view your information online.  If not, the website is probably down and unavailable to TntMPD as well.

2.  TntMPD can't connect to the internet at all.  To test if TntMPD can connect to the internet at all, under the "Help" menu, click on "Check for Updates".  If this works, than TntMPD can connect to the internet and the problem is specific to your organization.  If this doesn't work, make sure you can visit using Microsoft Internet Explorer (not Firefox) as TntMPD uses the internet connection settings from Microsoft Internet Explorer.

3.  Your organization has moved their website.  Click on the "Download Organization List" button.  If your organization is listed, this should ensure you're using the latest configuration settings to connect.

4.  You have a personal firewall blocking TntMPD (and not Microsoft Internet Explorer) from connecting to the internet. Try turning off your personal firewall (or reconfiguting it to allow TntMPD) to see if this is the issue. Here's a handy reference to further explore this topic:

5.  Your operating system is telling TntMPD that you are not connected to the internet (a false negative).  Under the "Tools" menu, click on "Network Settings".  You'll see a tab for "Proxy" settings, and under "Advanced" you'll see:

  • Force preliminary connection attempts:  This is where you tell TntMPD to try to connect to the website of your choosing whenever it thinks no connection is available.  Sometimes this can "prime the pump" so that TntMPD can correctly detect the internet.
  • Always report an Internet connection as being available:  This is where you tell TntMPD to always think an internet connection is available.  When you don't actually have an internet connection, be prepared for some possible cryptic error message when TntMPD tries to connect.  But atleast this might provide you a work around.

6.  You might have some complicated proxy server setup because of your ISP. Generally TntMPD can automatically use the proxy settings from Microsoft Internet Explorer, but there are some fringe cases where the proxy setting requires a special login page in a browser before it allows any other connection, and this sometimes makes it near impossible for TntMPD to connect.  Also, you can check any proxy settings defined in TntMPD, under the "Tools" menu click on "Network Settings".