It is our pleasure to provide this software free of charge to help you in your ministry. We're so thankful for our partners who make this possible!
About TntWare
I want to use TntMPD more. I’m new to TntMPD. There’s a lot I don’t understand. How can I learn more? What kind of training is offered?
There is no official training program for TntMPD. Your specific ministry might offer training. Look for some up and coming “Handy Reference Guides” on some key features and topics to help users make the most of those specific issues without consulting the full user guide. The most comprehensive resource is Exploding TntMPD, which covers all but the most technical features of TntMPD.
For Campus Crusade for Christ staff going to CSU 2005, we will be offering two optional seminars during the National Staff Conference in July, one for beginning users and one for more seasoned users. Unfortunately, both of these sessions will only be an hour long, so you can learn some things but not get in depth training. The new "Handy Reference Guides" will be handed out at the CCC staff conference seminars as well as at the GTO booth at the Ministry Fair. They will also be available for download (in July) from the TntMPD website [Click Here].
I downloaded Exploding TntMPD from the web, but it’s too big to print. How can I get a printed version?
The latest version of Exploding TntMPD is always available on the TntMPD website. If you want a printed version but don’t want to use your own printer, you can email the file to a local print shop such as FedEx Kinko's and they can print and bind it for you.
Is there a phone number I can call for tech support or with questions about TntMPD?
No. There is currently no one available to offer phone support at this time. If you sense God leading you to help develop a customer support team for TntMPD, many people will thank you.