SmartPath Video Series
It is our pleasure to provide this software free of charge to help you in your ministry. We're so thankful for our partners who make this possible!
About TntWare
This feature has been deprecated. Your organization needs to sign up for DonorHub for ongoing electronic inflow of donation information.
I want to use Gift Input from File, and was able to download a MyDonations.tntmpd from Wycliffe. However, Wycliffe only allows to download whole months, and the last time I downloaded my data it was through Feb 15. If I use Gift Input from File for the whole month of February will duplicate gifts be entered because I have already imported those gifts for the first half of February? Any help would be appreciated
The "Gift Input from File" screen will try to matche manually entered gifts by amount and donor id.
I have tried from a Mac and PC and the input form file is not working. I click the button then nothing happens. Any suggestions.
@ChadGermany, I'd suggest describing what happens in much greater detail on the forums.