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Quick Guide: Setting up a new Saved Group



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Quick Guide: Setting up a new Saved Group

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Tutorial: Setting up a new Saved Group

In this example, we will set up a Saved Group called "Friends with Superpowers" that identifies all the members of our ToonTown database who have special superpowers.

1.Press the <Groups> button.

2.Since this is your first group, your entire Groups screen will be blank:

3.Press the <New Group> button.

4.Enter a name for your group. You can leave Category blank for now, and add a Category later.

Categories allow you to group related groups together. You can select an entire category when using Lookups to lookup all members of all Saved Groups in a category.

5.You will now see the full Groups View, which has four panels.

Panel 1

List of all Saved Groups

Panel 2

Members of the selected Saved Group

Panel 3

What to compare the selected Saved Group to

Panel 4

Contacts from the comparison list

6.Show or hide the group editing tools.

Turns off the editing tools.

7.Select all of your ministry partners one at a time on the list. You can use the buttons, or double-click on the names.

Moves the selected contacts into the Saved Group.

You can also drag-and-drop contacts from the list on the right into the selected saved group, or you can drag a contact from the list on the right into ANY saved group in the list of groups.

8.Notice that the contacts in the right are now grayed out and italicized. This indicates that these contacts are in the group.

9.Try this: Compare your group to another group. Press the <All contacts> radio button. You will notice that members of that group (all contacts) who are not in the Saved Group are normal text, while contacts who are already in the Saved Group are italicized.

10.Lookup this group.

Makes this Saved Group into the Current Group, and shows you the Contact View.

11.Finally, you can view which groups any contact is a member of by clicking on the Groups tab in the Contact View.

Comments on this Help Topic

laura.moyer wrote re: Quick Guide: Setting up a new Saved Group
on 30 Apr 2014 3:44 AM

I'm trying to make a group and I don't see the new group button anywhere.. :/

Troy Wolbrink wrote re: Quick Guide: Setting up a new Saved Group
on 1 May 2014 10:03 PM

You can right-click on the Saved Groups list and choose "New Group".

KevinHuska wrote re: Quick Guide: Setting up a new Saved Group
on 12 Feb 2015 11:28 AM

Is there a way to Mass Delete all my Saved Groups? Or do you need to delete them one at a time?

Troy Wolbrink wrote re: Quick Guide: Setting up a new Saved Group
on 19 Feb 2015 5:17 AM

One at a time.

Mary.B.Broadwater wrote re: Quick Guide: Setting up a new Saved Group
on 9 Jul 2015 7:32 PM

How can I now create category names so that the groups I have can be subdivided under a category. All I can find is what is on this tutorial

"4.Enter a name for your group. You can leave Category blank for now, and add a Category later."

Troy Wolbrink wrote re: Quick Guide: Setting up a new Saved Group
on 10 Jul 2015 9:25 PM

Mary, to create a category name, you can either edit an existing group or create a new group, and then specify the category name you want.  Creating a category name is done while you edit a group name or create a new group.


Ben Metzger wrote re: Quick Guide: Setting up a new Saved Group
on 5 Aug 2015 1:47 AM

Troy, thank you for the work you do to make this stuff work (not to mention educating the masses). Is there a way to import contacts directly into a new group, instead of importing contacts then adding them to a group?

Troy Wolbrink wrote re: Quick Guide: Setting up a new Saved Group
on 5 Aug 2015 4:03 PM

Hi Ben, TntMPD doesn't provide a way to do this directly.  But there are a few tricks that could really help.  When you import, include a user field to distinguish these new contacts you're importing.  Then you can do a lookup (by field) to filter the contact list on these newly imported contacts.  On the Groups screen, you can easily create a new group with the "Current Group".  This will save you from manually adding these contacts to a group, one at a time!

Gina Shaw wrote re: Quick Guide: Setting up a new Saved Group
on 29 Nov 2017 10:41 PM

How can I organize the names in one of my groups to be in alphabetical order? They are currently in the order that I added them to the group. Thank you for your help! Gina

Troy Wolbrink wrote re: Quick Guide: Setting up a new Saved Group
on 1 Dec 2017 3:34 PM

Gina, You can right-click on the member list and "Sort Alphabetically".

Gina Shaw wrote re: Quick Guide: Setting up a new Saved Group
on 2 Dec 2017 12:30 AM

Great! Thank you for your response! :)

Troy Wolbrink wrote re: Quick Guide: Setting up a new Saved Group
on 7 Dec 2017 7:40 PM

Gina, you might want to try one of these pre-packaged Word docs for labels:

A4 J8060:

Avery 5160:

Johannes Streubel wrote re: Quick Guide: Setting up a new Saved Group
on 3 Jan 2020 11:51 AM

Is it possible to only show people that aren't in a group yet.

I want a new group with all the people that aren't in another group yet and it is very tedious to click back and forth between the groups.

Troy Wolbrink wrote re: Quick Guide: Setting up a new Saved Group
on 7 Jan 2020 7:34 PM

On the Contacts view, you can always do a lookup "By Group", select the group, and then click "Take away from the current group" to filter these group members away from the current lookup/group.