This topic applies to deleting contacts whether it is from the Contact menu or the Group Actions menu.
La base de datos de TntMPD está diseñada para retener toda la información de las relaciones personales para todos tus contactos, para toda la vida. Esto puede significar un cambio de paradigma para muchos misioneros experimentados, quienes están acostumbrados a guardar una lista que sólo contenga sus asociados actuales.
There are several reasons why it is helpful to retain information on contacts who were never interested in your team as well as for contacts who once were a part of your team but are no longer.
TntMPD siempre pedirá una confirmación cuando se esté borrando un contacto, para prevenir que se borre accidentalmente.

Similarmente, TntMPD siempre pedirá confirmación cuando se esté borrando a un Grupo Actual, para prevenir que se borre accidentalmente.

With a group, however, TntMPD will also require you to further confirm by typing "DELETE" in all capital letters.
Nota: Antes de eliminar un grupo, TntMPD automáticamente hará una copia de seguridad.
Leer más > Copias de seguridad

More on Deleting Contacts
Why to keep a contact who has a giving history, even if they are deceased
•En primer lugar, nunca querrás borrar a un contacto quien tenga un Historial de Donaciones porque hacer eso cambiaría los resúmenes de donaciones que TntMPD realiza (tal como Total vitalício, etc.). Esto se aplicaría inclusive si el contacto hubiese fallecido.
•If a contact is a former giver but has since become disinterested in your ministry and no longer gives and no longer receives your newsletter, you want to keep this contact not only for the giving history, but also for the relationship record. They may at some point in the future gain a new interest in your ministry.
Why to keep a contact who was Not Interested in your ministry and has never given a gift
•Es posible que seas referido nuevamente a ellos más adelante, y te resultaría útil ver el historial de tu interacción previa.
•Cuando seas referido de vuelta a ellos más adelante, podrás tener información adicional sobre ellos, tal como sus intereses, su iglesia, su familia, etc., información que quizá desees revisar antes de llamar.
When to delete contacts
•Eran asociados de oración antiguos sin Historial de Donaciones y han fallecido.
•Son contactos duplicados.
•They have married another contact and you have switched their account to a different contact. When you do this, TntMPD moves the giving history, but not the contact information or the tasks and history. If you want to move the history, you will have to do that manually by opening the tasks/history and cutting/pasting into the new contact.
•You are leaving the ministry and are sharing part of your contact list with one or more other missionaries. You could export the contact information and the other missionary could upload it. Or, you could send all information about the contact, including tasks and history, by using TntSync.