TntConnect TM
Helping you build powerful connections for a lifetime of ministry...

TntMPD 3.0! from Bob!

TntMPD 3.0 has finally arrived! 

I'm really looking forward to using it.  I could really use some testers to help me find bugs.  If you're up for it, download TntMPD 3.0 and give it a try, and let me know what you think.  As long as TntMPD 3.0 is still in beta, please leave comments specific to TntMPD 3.0 in the beta testers forum.  But feel free to use the automatic error reporting feature in TntMPD ... even if those bug reports show up in the general forum.

In the next few weeks, I'll be blogging about the changes and features in a more user friendly way including screenshots.  Here's a list of what's new:

Google Maps Integration

  Google Maps integration with Contact view.

  Google Maps integration with Groups view.

  Google Maps integration with Tasks view.

  Google Maps integration with History view.

  Main screen: Added Map button to the bottom left.



Dropbox Conflict Resolution

  When TntMPD starts, it will alert you if it detects Dropbox conflicts.

  [File | Resolve Dropbox Conflicts] to automatically resolve Dropbox conflicts.

The default for "Dropbox Mode" is now turned on.



Improved Address/Phone/Email (His/Hers Mobile)

  Added "Send Newsletter" to name/address editing dialog for contacts.

  Improved name/address editing dialog for contacts.

  Improved phone editing dialog for contacts.

  Improved email/web editing dialog for contacts.

  Added Salutation field to contacts.

  Added Business Name to Business Address for contacts.

  Added Contact Person to Organization addresses for contacts.


  Added Salutation Format to Country Information.


  Added spouse Business Address to contacts.

  Added spouse email fields to contacts.

  Added Spouse phone fields to contacts.



Newsletter Media Preference: Paper/Email

  Newsletter media preferences can now be entered as: Paper Preferred, Email Only, etc.

  Many more types of Newsletter Recipient lookups added, based on media preference.

Contact View: Newsletter icon updated to reflect paper/email preference.



Improved Gift/Donor Information

Added "Payment Method" and "Memo" to the gift information received from the organization.

Changed phrasing of "Address/Phone Out of Sync" lookup to "Unreviewed Account Info" instead.

  New "Accept Update" dialog that allows you to see and change which field in TntMPD will be updated.

  New donor fields: his/her email, his/her mobile phone, deceased, memo, hyperlink.

  Redesigned the "Organization Info" dialog for viewing donor information.

  Orange/Bold is now used to indicated unreviewed donor address/phone/email information.

  The "Account List" shows accounts in orange that contain unreviewed information.

  Changed detection is now based on the actual field data, not the "last modified" provided by the organization.

  Changes to name, deceased or memo are logged in the contact’s history.



Contact Matching

  Contact Matching Engine updated and improved.

  If manually entered contact is a duplicate, the duplicate contact is shown immediately.

  Import Contacts, if duplicate found, record is left in grid for further attempts.

  Import Contacts, if duplicate found, the confusing prompt to update name/address/phone is removed.

Improved Tasks/History

  Right-click on task/history list for an individual to "Link Item(s) to a Different Contact...".
  Task and History View redesigned with a search box that searches any text shown plus notes.
  History View is much faster.
  Task and History editing dialogs redesigned.
  Added "E-Newsletter", "Unscheduled Visit", "Note", "Facebook" and "Text/SMS" task/history types.
"Schedule Task" and "Log History" menus are re-ordered and categorized.

  "Schedule Group Task" and "Log Group History" now provide sub-menus to specify which task type.


  Task and History View can now be filtered by contacts in the current group.

  Under a contact's "Task" tab , double-click the "Group" button to view the items in the Task view.

  Under a contact's "History" tab , double-click the "Group" button to view the items in the History view.


  Task/History can be tagged as a "Partnership Challenge" and Appointments are tagged by default.

  Under a contact's "History" tab, you can view "Challenges Since Last Gift", appears red if > 2.

  Under a contact's "History" tab, "Appeals Since Last Gift", appears red if > 4.


  Task/History can be tagged as "Mass Mailing" and "Newsletter" and "E-Newsletter" are tagged by default.

  Task/History tagged as "Mass Mailing" appear gray and don't affect any Contact.LastActivity fields.

  Task/History can be tagged as "Thank" and "Thank" tasks are tagged by default.

  Task/History tagged as "Thank" (but not "Mass Mailing") affect Contact.LastThank field.


  Task/History can be assigned to a user.

  Clearing a task now gives you the opportunity to specify which user did it.

  Unless a task was assigned, new history is assumed to be done by the current user.


  Tasks can have "Due In (days)" specified.  Tasks overdue turn red.

  Tasks with an Importance of Low appear red.  Tasks with an Importance of High appear bold.


  Task/History can be "Shared with MPD Coach". 

  The "MPD Weekly Update" will include all shared tasks from the next MPD week and prior.

  The "MPD Weekly Update" will only include shared history from the current MPD week.


  When a contact has a new gift come in, "Call to check on status..." tasks will be cleaned up.

  When a contact has a new gift come in, "Research gift of ... which is smaller" tasks will be cleaned up.

  New gifts linked to an appeal will trigger a thank-you for a SPECIAL gift.

New gifts linked to an appeal will never trigger auto-task of "Research gift of ... which is smaller".

Automatic thank you tasks of the same kind won't be duplicated for the same contact.

  Automatic thank you tasks will be "Due In" 28 days so they turn red after that many days.

  After "Gift Input from Web", the final message will include the number of new tasks.

  After "Gift Input from Web", if new tasks, an option is provided to "View Tasks" (default=yes).

  After "Gift Input from Web", if new tasks, an option is provided to "Show Auto-Task Options" (default=no).



Drag-n-Drop from Outlook

  Journal items can now be imported into TntMPD as History items.

  Email addresses are applied to selected contact when manually matching emails dragged in from Outlook.


Outlook Sync Improvements

  iCloud: TntMPD now syncs correctly with the iCloud provider in Outlook.


  Contacts: are auto-split into two Contacts in Outlook when spouse has phone/email info.

  Contacts: previously synced contacts are auto-sent to Outlook when changed (only if unchanged in Outlook).

  Contacts: More MPD information is now exported to Job Title (can be turned off).

  Contacts: Referral information is now exported to Department (can be turned off).

  Contacts: Titles are exported as blank (can be turned off).

  Contacts: The ampersand (&) is now used for "and" (can be turned off).

  Contacts: Nicknames are combined for split contacts (and optionally for combined contacts).

  Contacts: Importing the "Mailing Address Type" is now optional since Google Apps auto-switches it to Business.

  Contacts: Synced contacts are indicated with an Outlook icon in the top right of the Contact view.

  Contacts: The right-click menu to "Send Contact/Group to Outlook" has the Outlook icon displayed.

  Contacts: Some rarely used phone numbers like "ISDN" are no longer synced.

  Contacts: A warning is given if you sync a contact in Outlook with unsyncable phone numbers like "ISDN".

  Contacts: To preserve Contact note rich text formatting, you now need Outlook 2010 or newer.


  Tasks/Appts: Right-click (one or many tasks at a time) to "Send to Outlook". 

  Tasks/Appts: Tasks/Appts synced with Outlook are indicated in the task list with the Outlook icon.

  Tasks/Appts: TaskType is added to the Subject of Tasks.

  Tasks/Appts: Contact Name is added to the Subject of Tasks and Appointments.

  Tasks/Appts: Mailing Address, Preferred Phone and Email added to Task Notes.

  Tasks/Appts: Mapping Address, Preferred Phone and Email added to Appointment Notes.

  Tasks/Appts: Fixed import of recurring tasks that are completed.


  General: When synchronizing, you are given the option to delete items that used to be in TntMPD.

  General: When viewing a list of changed records, the fields that changed are listed.

  General: When viewing a changed record, only the changed fields are shown by default.

  General: When comparing notes, the changed lines are highlighted.


  Outlook Sync Settings: Improved the change of focus when clicking the "..." button.

  Outlook Sync Settings: Hold down the Shift key to reveal "Reset Sync Meta Data" link. 

Outlook Sync Settings: Removed "MAPI Enhancements" since they are no longer needed with Outlook 2010.



MailChimp Sync Improvements

  MailChimp, More options to control which fields are synced.

  MailChimp, New (default) option for syncing with a list: Only Sync With Email Newsletter Recipients.

  MailChimp, unsynced custom list fields are now shown at the end with right-click option to delete.

  MailChimp, "required" on list fields is temporarily turned off while syncing.

  MailChimp, added "Receives Email Newsletter" field in addition to "Receives Paper Newsletter".

  MailChimp, added optional address, phone and feedback fields.

  MailChimp, Organization added to First Name field.

  MailChimp, bounced/unsubscribed emails handled for all contacts (if email was duplicated across contacts).

  MailChimp, the "Public" field attribute is only set when creating a field (so user can later customize).

  MailChimp, merge field labels are only set when creating a field (so user can later customize).

  MailChimp, when importing/creating a new contact: address, phone and feedback are also imported.

  MailChimp, right-click on import list to manually rematch.

  MailChimp, any TntMPD-specific emails are given the option to export to MailChimp or unsubscribe in TntMPD.


General Functionality Improvements

Added [File | Utilities | Merge With Another Database...] to automatically combine two databases.

User tab caption can be customized via the "Options" dialog.

  User fields can have a minimal set of drop down values provided via the "Options" dialog.

  “Mail Merge to Email” uses “Email Greeting” and “Email Salutation” for the Greeting and Salutation fields.

  Mass Email dialog: Added Salutation field to export.

  MPD Progress statistics are internally recorded every week.

  Appeal Tracking screen: Added: Payment Method and Memo to gift export fields.

  Appeal Tracking screen: Hides Designation Name and Motivation Code from gift export if not "Pro" mode.

  Improved Auto-Backup retention strategy to preserve more of recent databases.

Added "Remove Formatting in Notes for a Contact..." button to Maintenance dialog.

Added Country: Curacao.



General UI Improvements

  Improved many screens for high-dpi display settings.

  Many changes to graphics and icons throughout program.

  Main screen: Moved Community button to the bottom left.

  Options Screen has been greatly reorganized and improved.

  Schedule View renamed to "Calendar".

  Calendar can now display multi-day events.

  Improved load time of Calendar view.

  Analysis View now has a chart with a flat appearance.

  Contact View: Renamed "Personal" tab to "Family" and reorganized it.

  Contact View: Next task area changed to show two to 3.5 tasks at a time.

  Appeal Tracking screen: Added "Memo" column to Gifts grid.

  Contact Details screen: Removed "General" tab, moved "Last Edit" and "Created Date" fields to "Historical" tab.

  Contact Details screen: Renamed "History Summary" tab to "Historical".

  Contact Details screen: Added: "Last Visit" and "Last Challenge" fields.

  Maintenance screen reorganized into two tabs: General and More Tasks.

  When manually selecting a contact, the address of the selected contact shows.

  Removed decimal point and extra zeros when displaying monetary amounts in many places.

  Added "Yes to all" button when accepting gift adjustments from Gift Input.

  Removed "If No Task Scheduled" color/icon options from contact list.

  Right-click on individual task/history list and all "New <x>" items are now in a submenu.

MPD Phase drop down is color coded to match the Contact List.

"Appeal" now appears as "Special Gift Appeal" in many places to make its purpose more clear.

Under the "View" menu "Toolbars" now hides/shows the green title panel as well.



Password Encryption, Changes to Database Engine, Linked Databases

  Databases are now AES-128 encrypted with a user-provided password.

  Database engine/format upgraded to Access 2010.

  "Database Password Recovery Key" system is in place to help users who forget their password.


  Microsoft Access menu removed.

  Added "Run Query" under [File | Utilities] for quickly running ad hoc queries.

  Add-ons that call "/linkdb:create" or "/linkdb:update" continue to work, but only as read-only.

  (Add-On Developers:  If you needs to change data, ask the user for the password and edit the database directly.)

  (Access Users:  You'll have to manually maintain table links with Access 2010 or newer.)



Database Upgrade/Create Improvements

  When creating new database, you are prompted to create the first user before the first "Me" contact.

  When creating new database and the first "Me" contact, name fields are pre-populated with user name.

  Improved how quickly databases can be upgraded or rebuilt.

  Database is opened exclusively when upgrading or rebuilding to ensure no conflict with other users.




  When synchronizing TntMPD database, calculated fields don't affect change detection.

  When viewing a list of changed records, the fields that changed are listed.

  When viewing a changed record, only the changed fields are shown by default.

  When comparing notes, the changed lines are highlighted.




  Updated German translation.

Updated English help manual.

For help authoring, click Shift+F1 (instead of Ctrl+F1) to manually remap help topic.

  System Information dialog: added right-click to "Set Thread Locale to User Locale".

  Many functions in the code have been reviewed and refactored.

Posted 25 May 2013 12:09 AM by Troy Wolbrink


Schaufi wrote re: TntMPD 3.0!
on 21 Apr 2013 1:42 PM

Thank you soooooooooooo much for this update! I waited for it for a long time!

Will you also add a facebook message importer in the next version?

Layout suggestion: I would love to see the history side by side with the title on the left and the message field on the right so that you can quickly go through the messages without opening every message one by one (like facebook messages)

Bob Mac Leod wrote re: TntMPD 3.0!
on 21 Apr 2013 11:01 PM

I have downloaded and installed the Beta and am chomping at the bit to try it! I have already tested most of the major new features--just for fun. I have copied the upgrade log to Excel to systematically test each item.

I encountered no errors or glitches so far, but I do have a list of a dozen or so observations so far.

NicholasAlsop wrote re: TntMPD 3.0!
on 22 Apr 2013 12:31 AM


What a pleasure to see this post about  version 3.0.

I am trying it out now.


NicholasAlsop wrote re: TntMPD 3.0!
on 22 Apr 2013 12:39 AM

What I first noticed was trying to use a lookup!

I can't seem to select a lookup.  I went to Lookup then MPD Phase then leaving all the defaults I changed the value to Partner - Financial. But there wasn't any change to my list of contacts. Am I missing a new step?

Bob Mac Leod wrote re: TntMPD 3.0!
on 22 Apr 2013 12:49 AM

Nick: I was able to do that Lookup without any problems.

Troy: I just encountered an error after rebooting and re-starting TntMPD:

"This program requires Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010. Would you like to repair the installation of TntMPD now?"

And when I clicked yes, it reinstalled TntMPD with the "Must Download" on the Access Database Engine.

NicholasAlsop wrote re: TntMPD 3.0!
on 22 Apr 2013 4:24 AM

Okay sorry. I closed the program and reopened it. The lookup worked.

Troy Wolbrink wrote re: TntMPD 3.0!
on 22 Apr 2013 4:42 AM

Hi All!  Thanks for your early feedback.  I appreciate that.  

Schaufi, I was hoping to get Facebook integration in TntMPD 3.0, but it never made it.  :(  It's something I really could use myself, but it will have to wait for another time.  I like your idea about history.  I'm logging more and more info into notes in the History, and it would be nice to see at a glance.

Nicholas, I ran into this Lookup bug myself last night (this morning actually) after I did the release.  It was right after upgrading my database, so I wonder if that's a factor.  I closed TntMPD and opened it up back up and can no longer reproduce it.  Thank you for following up to let me know that this fixed it for you too.  In a way, I'm glad you can't reproduce it!  But it would be nice to have clear cut case of "do a b c" and "the bug shows up here".  It's not a great confidence builder for someone's first intro to TntMPD 3.0 so please pray God shows me the problem.  (I was shocked to see that bug last night, because it's the only time I've seen that bug since working on TntMPD 3.0 since late 2011.)

Bob, I'm glad to hear you're working through the feature list.  It'll be great to connect next week maybe and hear your thoughts.  In regards to your installation issue, what version of Office do you have installed on your computer.  I'm wondering why the "Access Database Engine 2010" needed to be installed twice (assuming it must have already been in-place the first time you ran TntMPD 3.0).  Perhaps a specific version of office was changing something.  I have done quite a bit of testing of TntMPD 3.0 w/ Office 2003, Office 2007, Office 2010 and Office 2013.  The only issue I encountered in my testing was w/ Office 2010/2013 64-bit edition.  But I recall that installing the Engine seemed to fix it.  Also, let me know if you installed the 32-bit version or 64-bit version of Office.  (It's in your system info in TntMPD if you're not sure.)


Troy Wolbrink wrote re: TntMPD 3.0!
on 22 Apr 2013 5:00 AM

If anyone gets an error like this "Internal Error: Timestamps are different: 4/21/2013 6:13:17 PM <> 4/21/2013 6:13:20 PM" when you try to resolve a Dropbox conflict, please send me a copy of your database and a copy of the Dropbox conflict database you were syncing with.  I should be able to reproduce it w/ those bits of info (I'd also need your database password now w/ 3.0).

Bob Mac Leod wrote re: TntMPD 3.0!
on 22 Apr 2013 10:04 AM

Access Database Engine: It is possible I caused this error. I am using Outlook 2007, and was attempting to re-initiate Outlook after using Google Mail for two months. The Google App Sync tool would not work with my version of Outlook, even though my version met the minimum requirements (SP1 release 1.63 or higher or something like that), so I installed Microsoft Office 2007 SP2. It is possible that this deleted the Access 2010 tool.

Bob Mac Leod wrote re: TntMPD 3.0!
on 22 Apr 2013 11:36 AM

Address Input from Web: I encountered two separate errors while attempting to download addresses. One I could not pass.

(1) Due to a recent change in our organization, internal gifts are now credited to the staff member who gave them; as a result, past gifts from years ago are being added. When TntMPD 3.0 attempted to download the first person in this list, this error appeared: "Internal Error: Cannot find CountryID 0."

I attempted to resolve this by manually adding the contact--name and country at least--and that was partially successful. But after finishing that contact, the error occurred again without a related contact.

(2) With the contact that it did download and match, the Contact View displayed the contact, but the contact list did not have the contact selected.

Michael Drackley wrote re: TntMPD 3.0!
on 22 Apr 2013 10:44 PM

So happy with this update!  Way to go!

The Pro's are definitely outweighing the Con's from my perspective.


I am currently using Access 2007.  So my AD HOC's are broken links at the moment.  There is a battle between the installs of 2007 and 2010 when I try to open the old.  Oh, well.  I'll try to get them to work in read only later.


Love the ability to see whole groups mapped in Lookup contacts and Groups view.  Did something change in Google's policy to be able to do that many "calls" for addresses in a day?  There was a time when there was a limit to how many a workstation could do in a day (by IP address).

I've been heavily working with the "Import contacts" today.  Really like the improvements.  More intuitive.  I think users will be able to understand the prompt of a "match found" much better.  Does an impressive job of matching not only peoples names but addresses when many of the variables are slightly different.  Much better than before.

Last Note - might be more appropriate on the Dataserver forums - How to utilize the gift note field from Company?  Our Template is Raisers Edge.  Any suggestions?

Troy Wolbrink wrote re: TntMPD 3.0!
on 23 Apr 2013 12:02 AM

herbieltd, You'll have to expand the meaning of HOC to me.  I assume AD is "Access Database".  I'm not sure about Google's policy on geocoding.  Last I checked it was x amount per day per ip address.  TntMPD saves the lat/lng so it only has to geocode an address once.  I'm glad to get you're feedback on the "match contacts" and "import contacts" features.  TntMPD.DataServer has a "memo" field that you can pump data into, but it doesn't yet provide it to TntMPD.  A TntMPD.DataServer update should be coming soon to take care of this!

Bob, thanks for your clue on doing a "Address Input" and how the donor appeared but wasn't in the contact list.  I believe that's one and the same bug as what I had and what Nicholas had ... the contact list wasn't updated to show the actual lookup results.  I think I know how to fix this one now.  Hey, that's an answer to prayer.  ... I think re-installing (or "repair installing") Access 2007 would cause what you experienced.  So this is not a bug but a feature (where TntMPD self-heals its own installation),

Dan Dlugos wrote re: TntMPD 3.0!
on 23 Apr 2013 6:55 PM

I'm confused as to why, when I perform an Outlook contact sync, that the first step that appears asks me to delete contacts from Outlook.  Yet, these are contacts I use on a regular basis.

NicholasAlsop wrote re: TntMPD 3.0!
on 23 Apr 2013 7:05 PM


I noticed an update and change in the way TNTMPD processes any emails we drag from outlook. It still offers to Resolve them but in the previous version it offered a bit of the text of the email to help you select which contact to assign it to. Now it goes straight to the contact list. My problem is when I am importing several emails I have mass emailed I don't know which contact is which email? Can you bring back the step that offers the text of the email? At least the email address of the person you sent the email to?

NicholasAlsop wrote re: TntMPD 3.0!
on 23 Apr 2013 7:15 PM

Okay maybe it is inconsistent? I just went and instead of dragging all four emails, I was dragging one at a time. The first one didn't offer any text at all BUT the next one did. And the next two did also. It may just be anomyly. Sorry.

Bob Mac Leod wrote re: TntMPD 3.0!
on 24 Apr 2013 1:34 AM

Two issues:

1. I have a Favorite Lookup with five lookups in one category. Four of them return no contacts, when there should be 15 spread out among them. The fifth lookup returns all 15, sorted by time zone; instead, the lookup returns EVERYONE.

2. I tried to 7Zip the database, and it did not compress it at all. Was this due to the new password protection?

Bob Mac Leod wrote re: TntMPD 3.0!
on 24 Apr 2013 1:37 AM

Related to previous comment: To get the 15 contacts from the Favorite Lookup, I used a Saved Group where all 15 were also saved. I attempted a custom sort using a renamed User Field. That custom tag did not appear in the drop down list. When I entered it anyway, I received an "Unspecified Error" error.

Bob Mac Leod wrote re: TntMPD 3.0!
on 24 Apr 2013 1:58 AM

Logging History alert: I just logged a phone call with a contact. I also changed their Saved Group from one to another, and then did a Lookup | Everyone and selected a different contact.

While I could see the selected contact in the Name & Address Bar, the History Tab still displayed the History from the previous contact where I entered the phone call.

andy.jacobson wrote re: TntMPD 3.0!
on 24 Apr 2013 2:10 AM

Hey Troy it's Andy.  I just posted an error, to where ever that goes on here, about a lookup issue I had in 3.0.  I changed the status of a contact in their MPD Phase and when I ran a new search that should have not included them, they were still there.  However, the name still appeared in the contact column but when I clicked on it I got the error.  Hope this helps.  Thanks for all your work!!

I have a questoin...Have you considered some how intigrating Time Zone details so you can do a look up that way.  Then, when trying to make phone calls you can look up people accourdingly.  This has probably come up before, so if it has sorry for beating the horse.

Bob Mac Leod wrote re: TntMPD 3.0!
on 24 Apr 2013 2:50 AM

Andy: About Time Zones... I mentioned that in my lookup error issue above because I encountered an error while looking up favorites that were sorted by my Time Zone user field. So definitely a great idea!

The problem with time zone stuff is that there are so few countries that have multiple time zones--though of course it could be used continent-wide even for countries with only one time zone.

I solved this years ago by making one of my User Fields "Time Zone". The time zones are 1 Eastern through 5 Alaska/Hawaii, so that when I do lookups, it sorts them by that numeric order. Tried Saved Groups, but couldn't sort by group membership.

Joseph Thiessen wrote re: TntMPD 3.0!
on 24 Apr 2013 3:29 PM

With the new 3.0 version I tried to initiate a mass change to the Send Newsletter field. I wanted to utilize the newer options but the mass change options didn't have those options available to me.

Will this be coming in another version?

Tom Hallman wrote re: TntMPD 3.0!
on 24 Apr 2013 8:52 PM

Hey Troy! I'm excited about 3.0 and will see about cleaning up MIST to work with it.  I've been meaning to play with it soon anyway ;)

Can 3.0 install next to 2.x for testing purposes (making a copy of the DB, of course.)  Or should I do the testing on a different machine?

Bob Mac Leod wrote re: TntMPD 3.0!
on 25 Apr 2013 1:37 AM

Task Lost & Found.

A couple of days ago I logged a history call for a partner. Today I was calling a different partner, and imagine my surprise when I found the previous call in the current partner's history log. (The Individual button is pressed, and the previous partner is not even in the Current Group.

Bob Mac Leod wrote re: TntMPD 3.0!
on 25 Apr 2013 1:39 AM

Wait... scratch that. I switched contacts and came back, and now that task is gone from the currently selected contact.

Bob Mac Leod wrote re: TntMPD 3.0!
on 25 Apr 2013 2:04 AM

TntSync: I just encountered a couple of errors while trying to sync two Dropbox databases. I have successfully synchronized them before, but I am using one on a netbook for the first time. I have the error details if you'd like.

NicholasAlsop wrote re: TntMPD 3.0!
on 25 Apr 2013 2:57 AM

I am finding the problem with look ups persistent. The common thing that keeps happening is when I choose a lookup the program makes the request but leaves the contact list unaffected. And when I choose someone in the contact list that is not in the look up it comes back the Contact ID not found error but when I manually select someone who is in the lookup no error is returned.

Often after I have gone through this and shut down the program and restart it, the lookup will work correctly. I can even use the button to toggle back to everyone and then back to the lookup and it works.

Does that help at all?


Troy Wolbrink wrote re: TntMPD 3.0!
on 25 Apr 2013 8:01 AM

Dan Dlugos, TntMPD's "Sync with Outlook" now offers the opportunity to delete items from Outlook that were once synced with TntMPD, but are no longer.  If you want to keep these items in Outlook and no longer be prompted, in "Settings for Sync with Outlook", hold down the Shift key and click "Reset Sync Meta Data".

NicholasAlsop, I believe the experience of matching an email to a contact should be the same.  It shows the email address and a list of all contacts below.  But now TntMPD 3.0 will remember the match by applying the email to the contact so you don't have to manually match the same email ever again.

Hi Bob, Send me a copy of your database w/ the lookup issue and details instructions on how to reproduce the problem.  The new encryption probably will reduce the compressability of the database.  I was able to reproduce the log history issue.  I'll look into that.

Andy Jacobson, You probably experience your issue after a Gift Input.  That messes things up currently.  After doing a Gift Input you have to close and reopen TntMPD until the next release.  There's no time zone field in TntMPD, but you can suggest by clicking "Suggestions" above.

Joseph Thiessen, you can do a Mass Field Change on "Newsletter Media Preference".  Out of curiosity what field name were you looking for.  Maybe the name I chose isn't intuitive.

Tom Hallman, you can keep a copy of TntMPD.exe from your 2.1 installation, install TntMPD 3.0, then put your old TntMPD.exe (renamed as TntMPD2.exe perhaps) into the installation folder.  Thanks for updating your add-ons!

Bob Mac Leod wrote re: TntMPD 3.0!
on 25 Apr 2013 3:27 PM

Tasks View / Lookup Selected Contacts.

I selected two contacts who had auto-tasks from last night's giving update. When I right-clicked and selected "Lookup Selected Contacts", I was returned to the contact view BUT: with Everyone as the Current Lookup. The displayed contact was the first selected contact from the Tasks side.

Bob Mac Leod wrote re: TntMPD 3.0!
on 25 Apr 2013 3:31 PM

Lookup Selected Contacts Part II: When I looked up the selected contact from the previous error alert (a contact who had an auto-task based on yesterday's gift), I determined I did not need to write a thank you (the donor had simply included two month's gifts on one cheque).

I right-clicked and deleted the unnecessary task and received this error: ContactID (1757407263) not found. I forwarded the error details to the forum.

Troy Wolbrink wrote re: TntMPD 3.0!
on 27 Apr 2013 7:32 PM

Bob, I never replied to your "TntSync" issue.  The best way to help me resolve these is to send me the two databases being synced (and their password(s)).

In particular if you're getting "Internal Error: Timestamps are different" then I really want a copy of the two databases being sync and their passwords!

Nicholas and Bob:  I believe the last few lookup issues you've reported are related to the same bug.  Once you do a "Gift Input from Web" or "Address Input from Web", TntMPD's lookup system is broken until you restart TntMPD.  I'm pretty sure all the issues you report will be fixed if you simply restart TntMPD.  (I've already found the bug ... in large part to the clues you've provided, so thanks!!!)

Troy Wolbrink wrote re: TntMPD 3.0!
on 29 Apr 2013 6:58 AM

TntMPD 3.0.1 has been released and should address all of the bugs reported so far: