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How can I force a fresh reinstall of TntConnect on my Mac? from Bob!

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How can I force a fresh reinstall of TntConnect on my Mac?

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To force a fresh install of TntConnect via CrossOver on your Mac:

1.  Make sure TntConnect isn't currently running.

2.  Delete all of your existing CrossOver "bottles". 

For each bottle, click on it, and then click "Delete Bottle".

On older versions of CrossOver, you'll see this:  To see all of your existing bottles, click the Bottles icon in the CrossOver tool bar.  Then, for each bottle, select it and click the delete button below:


3.  After you delete all of your existing bottles, you can follow these instructions for installing TntConnect:


Don't worry, you won't lose your data.  Your TntConnect database files are typically stored in your “Documents” or "Dropbox" folder.  Think of it this way:  Reinstalling Word won’t cause you to lose all your Word documents.


Recent Comments

By: Ken Wienecke Posted on 21 May 2020 4:49 PM

I need to reinstall TNTConnect on my Mac (as described above) but clicking the link to disk image gets me a TNTConnect page saying

Access Denied

You do not have permissions to perform the requested action.


By: Troy Wolbrink Posted on 22 May 2020 5:18 PM

Hi Ken,  Could you post this on the forums, and include a screenshot?  In general, I'm not supporting the old TntConnect for Mac any more (in lieu of installing TntConnect via CrossOver -  But I can take a look at what you're running into.   --Troy

By: Ken Wienecke Posted on 26 May 2020 4:12 PM

Sorry for the delay. Life.

I've had full Parallels on my machine with Win10 and WinXP VMs for years. I've got a very old MS Publisher (with which I still build my paper-format newsletters!) and an old version of TNTConnect on the ancient WinXP VM. I think I'll try to get all of it working on the Win10 VM because Parallels has already solved all the copy/paste, drive access and printer usage issues of Windows VMs on a Mac. I'm not inclined to experiment with Win7 Crossover bottles when I can do it the "right" way (especially since Parallels has the Coherence mode for Mac-app lookalike operation). My canonical TNTConnect is still 3.5r20, so I'm wondering if I can simply copy the database over to a fresh 4.0r5, or will I need to install a fresh 3.5r20 version on the VM and upgrade from there? Just point me to an article.

If you still want me to do the screenshot and forum post, I'll be happy to do that if you wish but having you investigate this no longer seems relevent.

By: Troy Wolbrink Posted on 13 Jun 2020 12:07 AM

Hi Ken, Running TntConnect via Parallels is definitely going to give you a more reliable experience.  You can install your Parallels VM to TntConnect 4.0 and it will upgrade your database the first time it opens it.  To upgrade, from within the VM, pull up this website and download/install TntConnect 4.0.

By: Mario Hall Posted on 12 Aug 2023 7:04 PM

Any suggestions when getting access denied while setting it up using Wineskin? After going through the entire process and opening up Tnt, access is denied to the saved database.

By: Troy Wolbrink Posted on 25 Sep 2023 3:46 PM

@Mario_Hall, Sorry, I'm not sure how to get past that "Access denied" issue via Wineskin.  Maybe it's an over-aggressive anti-virus software you have running.