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Supported Donation/Accounting Systems



Supported Donation/Accounting Systems

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You can learn more about the financial systems currently supported on the TntWare website here:
 DonorHub Feature Comparison.


Comments on this Help Topic

JaimieThom wrote re: Supported Donation/Accounting Systems
on 23 Feb 2016 4:50 PM

Thanks Troy. I think we have Raisers figured out! We are also looking for integration to newviews ( - apparently this system is a fairly common one so I have a suspicion someone has created a link for this somewhere? Do you know if one exists?

Troy Wolbrink wrote re: Supported Donation/Accounting Systems
on 17 Sep 2016 7:36 PM

Jaimie, I'm not aware of a NewViews integration.  This might be a good reason to transition to DonorHub Online.  With DonorHub Online, TntWare takes responsibility for developing any integration necessary.  Also we maintain that integration over time.  --Troy