DonorWise TM
Enhanced communication with donors, enhanced ministry credibility...

How do I look up contacts based on total giving for a time period (vs. individual gifts during that period)

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How do I look up contacts based on total giving for a time period (vs. individual gifts during that period)

SITUATION: Your ministry director has asked you for a list of your ministry's most generous donors, such as those who gave €10000 or more last year. 

PROBLEM: The Lookups menu offers the ability to lookup donors "By Donations Given", and allows you to specify both a time period and an amount range. But the amount range only applies to individual gifts in that range, not the total summed amount during the time period selected.

SOLUTION: To find donors who have given a total of X during a time period, you need to write a Custom Lookup like this. To reach the Custom Lookup box, select Lookup | General | Custom.

You can copy and paste this criteria into the and just change the dates and amount.

(Contact.ContactID IN (SELECT DonorID FROM Donation

WHERE (ReceivedDate BETWEEN '2007-01-01' AND '2007-12-31')


HAVING SUM(Amount) >= 3000))

Recent Comments

By: Wendy Ang Posted on 28 Aug 2013 3:26 PM

This seems very helpful to know. I may need to use this quite soon (coz I may be asked to churn some up reports soon).

By: Wendy Ang Posted on 28 Aug 2013 3:26 PM

This seems very helpful to know. I may need to use this quite soon (coz I may be asked to churn some up reports soon).