DonorWise has predefined Greeting, Name, and Address formats for each country.
DonorWise makes it possible for you to manually update country info. In general, this should not be necessary. Modifying country information is a complex task, and this user guide does not discuss all of the nuances of editing these formats. If you believe that a country format is incorrect, contact the DonorWise team to update the country information and send a new file. By doing that, all DonorWise users will benefit.
Contact the DonorWise tech team
Format Error
If you modify the format and DonorWise does not recognize your formats as being valid, you will receive a format error.
This button will not explain your error or give you instructions on how to fix it. This button is typically used to send a message to the DonorWise developers about a bug; however, this is not a bug: this error was caused by the lack of appropriate information.
Press the <OK> button.
Then press this button to restore the default. You can make another attempt to modify the format you were working on.