TntConnect TM
Helping you build powerful connections for a lifetime of ministry...

TntMPD 3.0 Intro + Guide for New Users (4 pages) from Bob!

It is our pleasure to provide this software free of charge to help you in your ministry.  We're so thankful for our partners who make this possible!

About TntWare

posted by Bob Mac Leod
7 Jul 2013

Downloads: 965
File size: 1.4MB
Views: 6,483
TntMPD 3.0 Intro + Guide for New Users (4 pages)

This 4-page PDF provides a 2-page overview of the many new features in TntMPD 3.0. It also contains a 2-page "Quick Start Guide" for new users of TntMPD--great for new missionaries just downloading TntMPD for the first time.


Cradossk wrote re: TntMPD 3.0 Intro + Guide for New Users (4 pages)
on 17 Dec 2014 3:04 PM

I tried a few times to open this file but the file appears to be damaged.  Is there any chance of getting a fresh copy?  I'm excited to learn more about TntMPD.  Thanks!

Troy Wolbrink wrote re: TntMPD 3.0 Intro + Guide for New Users (4 pages)
on 30 Jan 2015 6:53 PM

@Cradossk, try a different web browser or try clearing out your download browser cache.  This PDF file is not damaged.