TntConnect TM
Helping you build powerful connections for a lifetime of ministry...

Comments: How can I run TntConnect on Linux? from Bob!

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How can I run TntConnect on Linux?

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By: Richard_S Posted on 3 Aug 2020 7:15 PM

I followed these instructions and was able to install TntConnect on CrossOver in Linux, however once I open the TntConnect program in CrossOver I cannot figure out how to connect to my database. Anyone know how to do this or have any tips?  Thanks!

By: frederickjh Posted on 23 Jan 2021 8:50 PM

I am still on an older version of TNTconnect. If your database is in your normal Linux file system directories then these normally appear as drive z: in TNTconnect. Go to /home/ then your username and then find your database file.