TntConnect TM
Helping you build powerful connections for a lifetime of ministry...

How do I get past, "Mail Chimp Error (API Key Invalid), , API key has been disabled"? from Bob!

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About TntWare

How do I get past, "Mail Chimp Error (API Key Invalid), , API key has been disabled"?

You’ll have to create a new API Key in MailChimp and copy/paste it into TntConnect, replacing your old/revoked one.

To do this, pull up "Sync with MailChimp" and click "Options". 

You'll see a link to "Where is my API Key". 


You need to create a new API key.  Click "API Dashboard":


Then click the button to "Create a Key":


Then copy /paste that new API key into TntConnect over top of the old one.


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