TntConnect TM
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TntConnect for Mac won't start up. How can I ensure TntConnect is fully installed? from Bob!

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TntConnect for Mac won't start up. How can I ensure TntConnect is fully installed?

2022 Update - New CrossOver Instructions

If you're running TntConnect on your Mac via CrossOver, please follow these instructions instead:


Method #1 - Remove Cached Installation Files

1) In Finder, hold down the "option" key while you click "Go".  Then click "Library".  (If "Library" doesn't appear as a menu item, click on "Home" and then open the Library folder inside it.)

2) Inside the "Application Support" folder, you'll see a folder that starts with "com.tntware.tntconnect_" followed by the version of TntConnect you have installed.  Delete that folder:

Now try starting TntConnect.


Method #2 - Manually Copy Cached Installation Files

If TntConnect won't start up, it's possible that some issue is preventing it from copying files correctly the first time it runs.  To get past this issue, you have to manually copy some files.  Here are the steps involved:

1) In Finder, hold down the "option" key while you click "Go".  Then click "Library".  (If "Library" doesn't appear as a menu item, click on "Home" and then open the Library folder inside it.)

2) Inside the "Application Support" folder, you'll see a folder that starts with "com.tntware.tntconnect_" followed by the version of TntConnect you have installed.  Open that folder and delete all the files and folders inside of it:

3) In Finder, under the "File" menu, click on "New Finder Window".  Then under the "Go" menu, click on "Applications".

4) Right-click (or "control" click) and choose "Show Package Contents".  This will open the TntConnect application to show you the internal files.

5) Inside the "Contents" folder, open "Resources" and then "wineprefix".  Copy the files inside of "wineprefix" into the "Library / Application Support / com.tntware.tntconnect_..." you opened in Step 2.

Now TntConnect should start up.

Method #3 - Run from Terminal

Open Terminal, and run this command:


Method #4 - Allow App from Identified Developer

In your System Preferences open Security and Privacy.  Make sure "Mac app store" only is not checked.  TntConnect should be from "an identified developer".  Also, in the area below "Allow apps downloaded from:" see if TntConnect is mentioned and click "Open Anyway".



Method #5 - Disk Repair

1)  Open your Mac's "Disk Utilities" app.  Select your "Macintosh HD", and under the "First Aid" tab, click "Repair Disk Permissions".

  1. Open the Disk Utility application in OS X (located in /Applications/Utilities/)
  2. Select the disk from the left side menu to repair permissions for
  3. Go to the “First Aid” tab and click the “Repair Disk Permissions” button and let the process run from start to finish – this may take a while depending on the size and speed of the hard drive



Recent Comments

By: Awovenstory Posted on 24 Nov 2017 5:11 AM

We tried all three methods with no luck, including restarting after each one.

By: Troy Wolbrink Posted on 28 Nov 2017 3:28 AM

@Awovenstory, sorry to hear that.  Jump over to the forums and mention it there so we have more room to discuss.

By: Scot Myhr Posted on 21 Dec 2017 2:55 AM

Method #2 seems to be different for the High Sierra OS.  I don't see a “Repair Disk Permissions” button.  I ran Disk Utility though.  I'll see how it works.

By: jerrylskifstad Posted on 8 Feb 2019 9:07 PM

I'm having a problem opening TNT. I downloaded the version for MacOS Mojave (Version10.14.3) dragged the app to my app folder, like instructed. But, when I go to open the program from my App folder I get this message: Please run TntConnect from your Applications folder."

I'm working on a 2018 15" MacBook Pro (version 10.14.3). And I need HELP!



By: Jeremiah James Posted on 29 Mar 2019 1:51 PM

When I try to start TntConnect 3.5 r15 on macOS 10.14 (Mojave), nothing happens. None of these methods worked for me. When I tried to run from the Terminal (method 3), I received the following error: "cannot find 'C:/Program Files/TntWare/TntConnect/TntConnect.exe'". I looked in the TntConnect app package, and TntConnect.exe was in the correct location. Please advise.

By: Troy Wolbrink Posted on 3 May 2019 6:27 PM

@jerrylskifstad, if this happens again, click the "Report Issue" button so that your issue gets reported to the forums.

@Jeremiah James, this sounds quite involved.  Please report your issue on the forums (be sure to share all the steps you've taken thus far).