TntConnect TM
Helping you build powerful connections for a lifetime of ministry...

TntMPD 2.0 r6 (beta) from Bob!

A few more bugs have been discovered by the beta testers. As always, I'd really appreciate your feedback on this next release. Please try this out and provide feedback on the "tntmpd.beta-testers.discussion" message board.

To install:


P.S. Here's the details if you're interested:

2.0.6 - 1/16/2006
FIXED - Issue causing "duplicate value" error with "Address and Gift Input from File".
FIXED - Issue with Manual Gift Input where an error caused changes to not be savable.
FIXED - TntSync issue introduced in 2.0.5 causing "Internal error in UpdateLastSync".

2.0.5 - 1/11/2006
FIXED - Issue with Manual Gift Input where a gift couldn't be saved.
CHANGE - TntSync now tries to synchronize every item before it starts to report errors.
CHANGE - Databases may be upgraded where donationid field was widened to 18 chars.

Posted 16 Jan 2006 8:51 PM by Troy Wolbrink