Since 2.1.56, there have been alot of small enhancements to TntMPD. To summarize:
> Microsoft Streets & Trips (2007 and 2011), so you can export your contacts to a GPS:
> Mail Merge: addition of phone numbers field.
(Mail merge to the attached "Meeting Directions.doc" to see it in action.)
> 18 TntSync fixes and enhancements
(TntSync is much easier to use now! You're much less likely to run into database conflicts and errors.)
> Improved Internet connection detection & diagnostics
> 7 Mac-specific fixes/changes
> 6 Outlook Sync fixes/improvements
> 3 Excel export fixes
> and 15 other small fixes and enhancements
Because of the many bug fixes, I believe this release is more stable then 2.1.56. If you follow the forums, you might notice a common theme of "Upgrade to the latest beta version to get past your issue." Please upgrade to this beta version and see for yourself. If you find a problem, report it here or on the forums.
If you're a translator, please check your translation to see if it's ready.
2 Sep 2011 6:32 PM
Troy Wolbrink