Note to translators: there are a few new items that need to be translated.
Here's a quick summary of what's changed since 2.1 r38:
FEATURE - Added three MPD phases: Unresponsive, Research Abandoned, Expired Referral.
FEATURE - Added Next Task area to Contacts view.
FEATURE - Option to display warning icon in contact list if active contact has no next task.
FEATURE - Option to display name in red in contact list if active contact has no next task.
FEATURE - The "Next Task" button turns red if contact is active, but no task scheduled.
FEATURE - A "no next task warning" message is displayed if contact is active, but no task scheduled.
FEATURE - Next Task area grows if multiple tasks are scheduled for a contact.
FEATURE - The "Next Task" button turns bold and red if next task is due.
FEATURE - Main tasks list can be filtered by context (given in task description as "@Context,...").
Given task descriptions like this:
A "Context" filter appears on the side. This is helpful as I can hide tasks that are impossible for me to do until I'm in a specific context:
FEATURE - Added ability to drag emails from Outlook into TntMPD for import into History.
CHANGE - Call/Appt Done never turns gray in history list.
CHANGE - Anything Received never turns gray in history list.
CHANGE - Hide Mass Mailings will now include mass mailing items linked to an appeal.
CHANGE - On Windows, holding down Ctrl when adding a picture restores ability to enter a url.
CHANGE - Improved export for mail merge better formats monetary fields.
CHANGE - Mac/WINE: Improved detection of Wine version.
CHANGE - Improved reporting of Windows service pack version.
CHANGE - Improved error detection and reporting for internet connection issues.
FIXED - When syncing contacts with Outlook, differences in list seperators of Children are ignored.
FIXED - When syncing contacts with Outlook, differences in list seperators of Categories are ignored.
FIXED - Issues with High Contrast mode for Accessibility.
FIXED - Mass email to AOL doesn't include display names.
FIXED - Issue where wrong date for next task was generated when making certain tasks complete.
FIXED - Translation issue where newsletter icon on top right would shift right a few pixels.
FIXED - Issue where selection changed while selecting hyperlinked address or phone number.
FIXED - Community browser pane disabled when Internet connection is now allowed.
FIXED - Formatting of time values for SQL when hour was 12 AM or 12 PM.
FIXED - Assertion error when upgrading database if AppealAmount > Amount on a gift.
FIXED - Issue where Export Current Group sometimes displayed contacts in a random order.
FIXED - "Record is deleted." error when contact list is color coded and another user deletes a contact.
FIXED - Mac issue where a file could not be selected on Leopard (10.5).
CHANGE - TntSync: Improved performance of scanning files and folders over a network.
CHANGE - Improved performance of TntSync when synchronizing a TntMPD database.
FIXED - TntSync: limits syncing of file attributes to: Read Only, Hidden and System.
CHANGE - TntSync detects and handles when filestamp not preserved after upload via WebDAV.
9 Feb 2012 4:15 PM
Troy Wolbrink