In a nutshell, here's what's new in TntMPD 2.1.86:
Microsoft Streets & Trips 2013 (in addition to 2007 and 2011)
Mac Keyboard Compatibility
- Text/Clipboard:
- Command-A, Select All
- Command-Z, Undo
- Command-X, Cut
- Command-C, Copy
- Command-V, Paste
- Command-B, Bold (Notes tab)
- Command-I, Italicize (Notes tab)
- Command-U, Underline (Notes tab)
- File/Options
- Command-N, New Database
- Command-O, Open Database
- Command-S, Save
- Application
Improved Error Reporting and Technical Support Community Integration
- Help menu
- Status bar
- “Internal Server Errors” recognized as organization errors, not TntMPD errors
43 Bug Fixes and Minor Improvements!
- 27 that apply to both PC and Mac versions.
- An additional 16 more for just Mac users.
10 Nov 2012 5:59 AM
Troy Wolbrink