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TntMPD 3.0.6 (first beta release) from Bob!

Thank you so much to all those who have tested TntMPD 3.0 and given me feedback these past few weeks.  Your bug reports and feedback have greatly helped TntMPD 3.0 improve in some dramatic ways since 3.0.0!  TntMPD 3.0.6 is now officially released to beta!

To upgrade, under the "Help" menu, click on "Check for BETA Updates".  Please update TntMPD on all your computers.  Thanks again, and keep the feedback coming!

A special thanks goes out to Bob Mac Leod!  He did an excellent job writing about the new features, and he even made a video to help new users transition to TntMPD 3.0.


Posted 25 May 2013 12:17 AM by Troy Wolbrink


Troy Wolbrink wrote re: TntMPD 3.0.6 (first beta release)
on 25 May 2013 12:19 AM

I consolidated my blog posts about new features in TntMPD 3.0 to the FAQ area, and I added a new article about synchronizing with Outlook:

Bob Mac Leod wrote re: TntMPD 3.0.6 (first beta release)
on 25 May 2013 2:54 AM

If you have already upgraded to 3.0 as one of the great Beta testers, you will miss out on the home page everyone else will see when they go in for the first time. Because of the many great improvements, Troy has designed it so that when they upgrade and come in, the TntMPD Help main page appears right in the main screen.

You can view that here:

Tom Hallman wrote re: TntMPD 3.0.6 (first beta release)
on 28 May 2013 2:31 AM

Hey Troy and friends!

 I just came upon a situation where I'd like your advice.  Now that TntMPD 3.0 supports individual email greetings and salutations, how do you handle the case where you actually have three email address types:

- Husband:

- Wife:

- Shared:

 If I put the shared address under George, TntMPD will use "Dear George" when sending email; if I put it under Jane, it will use "Dear Jane".  I'd really rather it say, "Dear George and Jane".  But I don't want to lose the other individual customizations either.

 What do you suggest I do in this case?


Bob Mac Leod wrote re: TntMPD 3.0.6 (first beta release)
on 28 May 2013 4:00 AM

I would think that if you want the email to go to the couple (only), then only mark that one preferred; then modify the greeting to match.

Troy Wolbrink wrote re: TntMPD 3.0.6 (first beta release)
on 28 May 2013 4:10 PM

Hi Tom,  Good question, and I don't really have a great answer.  So you're suggesting that you'd send email newsletters to all three email addresses?  I would think that as soon as you have email addresses for each individual, you'd stop w/ the shared one.

Here's a possible solution (weak in my opinion):  Double-click on each email address to edit the "Display Name".  Then change the greeting to something more generic like "Friends" or "Smith Family".  Then (if the "Display Name" comes through their email system), they can see how you meant to address them in the "To" line of the email header.


Tom Hallman wrote re: TntMPD 3.0.6 (first beta release)
on 29 May 2013 1:32 AM

Hi guys,

 Thanks for the suggestions.  For reasons I don't fully understand, I know of at least two couples who use all three accounts.  In the case of an email merge, your suggestions should work fine.  In the case of using MIST, however, it wants to associate a given email with a given contact name (since TntMPD 3.0 now supports it.)  But I realize this may just be a limitation of using MIST with TntMPD, so I'm not gonna worry about it.  If it bugs me enough, I'll figure out a workaround =)

 Thanks again for the quick replies!


Peter Axup wrote re: TntMPD 3.0.6 (first beta release)
on 30 May 2013 9:04 PM

TntMPD for Mac 3.0.6 successfully installed on a MacBook Pro OS X 10.8.3. It successfully downloaded data from my organization and did some simple filtering.

Thank you for your steadfast service for the glory of Jesus!
