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TntMPD 3.0.18 (release candidate) from Bob!

TntMPD 3.0.18 introduces quite a few small enhancements and even more bug fixes.  I'm hoping to beta test TntMPD 3.0.18 for a few weeks, and then if all goes well, make it a general release.  I may release it as 3.0.19 if additional bugs are discovered or if additional translation work comes in (volunteer or paid).

Enhancement #1:  Option to (not) log a call

Now when you click a phone number, you can tell TntMPD to not prompt you to log a call.  By default the option is turned on (to log a call in the history).

Enhancement #2 - Gift Detail view (details or chart)

Under the "MPD" tab, you can change how the "Individual" mode appears.

Enhancement #3 - History Detail view (details or list)

Under the "History" tab, you can change how the "Individual" mode appears.

Enhancement #4 - Show more weeks back in MPD Analysis view

Enhancement #5 - Auto-fix mobile phones (based on names/labels)

If you have a phone labeled "John" and a phone labeled "Sue" for "John and Sue Doe", the phone labeled "John" will be moved to "Mobile" and the phone labeled "Sue" will be moved to "Spouse Mobile" (assuming no conflicts).

Here's an example from before TntMPD 3.0.18:

Here's that same contact (automatically fixed) after TntMPD 3.0.18:

Enhancement #6 - Appeals are listed in a better order

First it shows unused appeals, then it shows appeals in order of most recent gift.

A few more...

  • TntMPD is faster (in general)
  • TntMPD is fully translated to Chinese
  • Drag-n-Drop from Outlook ... includes From and To emails in the notes
  • Click phone to log call ... includes the phone number clicked in the notes

Posted 17 Oct 2013 10:26 PM by Troy Wolbrink


Bob Mac Leod wrote re: TntMPD 3.0.18 (release candidate)
on 18 Oct 2013 1:17 AM

I love these enhancements! These are great!

#1 AUTO-DIAL OPTION: Does that feature only work with auto-dial? I don't use auto-dial and did not notice any difference when I clicked it.

#2/3 HISTORY/GIFT DETAILS. I've been talking with people who have used TntMPD for years and they had no idea about the great treasure trove found in the History Details and Gift Details. My only thought is that the little drop-down arrow may be obscure to most users--will they even notice it? I hope so! I will certainly be teaching it from now on. (I particularly love this feature because it reinforces the value of logging history activity.)

#4 WEEKLY MPD UPDATE: I just met with a bunch of new staff from our ministry, and NONE of them were aware that TntMPD even had a weekly MPD report--a tool that would be exceptionally helpful for them when filling out their reports.

#5 AUTOFIX MOBILE PHONES: Suggestion: Since this feature is automatically applied the first time TntMPD is opened after upgrading to r18, there is no way to know which contacts were affected. I'm wondering if it might be helpful to say "16 contacts had mobile phones automatically updated. Click here to lookup contacts." Anyone else have thoughts on this? (I was actually more 'curious' than anything else, because I thought I had fixed all of these manually before--until I discovered some missed ones this week; so I was wondering if the upgrade had caught any more.)

Troy Wolbrink wrote re: TntMPD 3.0.18 (release candidate)
on 18 Oct 2013 2:41 PM

#1 AUTO-DIAL OPTION ... that feature (logging a call) always existed when you clicked a phone number (auto-dial or not).  Now you can turn that feature off if you want.

#4 WEEKLY MPD UPDATE ... The main reason I added the "Analysis" view was to help remove the drudgery of filling out my weekly report.

#5 AUTOFIX MOBILE PHONES ... Lookup Everyone and Sort by "Last Edit" descending.  I used TntSync to compare the changes.  After spot checking the exact changed for about 20 contacts, I was very satisfied ... enough to stop checking.  :)

Segullah wrote re: TntMPD 3.0.18 (release candidate)
on 18 Oct 2013 5:12 PM

I just got the beta bite, not realizing that I was on the beta track because of an update long ago to fix a problem. But I survived.

You will see a post in the general forum regarding the autofix mobile phones moving a business number to mobile. I think the problem's original root was probably due to 3.0's upgrade moving business numbers to the primary  contact. Then the 3.18 upgrade must have seen the label and just assumed that the number was a mobile number. Can't say for sure without going through the down grade process to see in which field the number was before the 3.18 upgrade.

I would suggest a review of how non-mobile numbers (both w and w/o labels) flow from  2.x (where there was an explicit mobile section) through to 3.18.

A second thing I wanted to mention was that I was surprised by so many skips on the first sync. Most of them was due to a change in the postion/department fields. It look like the year of the last appointment was being added, but it seem strange that only the ones from this year were being added. So I can't say that I fully understand what is going on.

Troy Wolbrink wrote re: TntMPD 3.0.18 (release candidate)
on 18 Oct 2013 7:08 PM

Andy,  I replied to your auto-fix mobile experience here  (  I'd appreciate your dialog on this.

This version (3.0.18) causes all the Outlook contacts to get rescanned more deeply, so it reveals cases where the Job Title/Department should have been updated but wasn't.  I think this actually reveals a bug I'll have to get to in 3.0.19.  The bug is that the Outlook Sync process doesn't always maintain the Job Title field when you log an appointment or a call in the new year.  Thanks for your observation on this!
