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Calendar View



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Calendar View

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Read More > Tutorial: Schedule a Task

TntConnect has a rudimentary calendar that can be useful when setting up appointments. It shows the current week and the upcoming two weeks. The primary value of the calendar is for when you are on a support trip and have a lot appointments set up, and want to avoid double-booking appointments.

The Schedule View is very limited in its capabilities. You cannot choose which weeks to view, and only the appointment description appears in the box, not the name of the contact. You can view some details of the appointment by hovering your mouse over the appointment:

You can change the number of weeks displayed (from the current week forward) using the arrows in the upper right corner.

Tip: Mouse tips

Hover your mouse over buttons or clickable fields; many of them have short tips that will pop up for a moment.

Hover over an e-mail address and the arrow will change to a hand. Click on it and you can send an e-mail message.

Comments on this Help Topic

tjbrande wrote re: Schedule View
on 26 Jul 2011 3:59 AM

I scheduled an appointment and then pulled up the Schedule from the schedule button, and it wasn't there - only blank lines.  What do I have to do to actually SEE my appointments?  Thanks

Troy Wolbrink wrote re: Schedule View
on 12 Aug 2011 7:52 PM

Make sure the duration of the appointment is not zero.

abbeyk23 wrote re: Schedule View
on 1 Jul 2013 6:59 PM

Is there a way to move the current week to the top? I have the 3 week view going right now but the first two are for the past two weeks so to see next week, for example, I would have to change to the four week view.

Troy Wolbrink wrote re: Schedule View
on 3 Jul 2013 4:55 AM

abbeyk23. sounds like your computer clock is off.

reK1NDLE wrote re: Calendar View
on 24 Jul 2013 9:12 PM

@abbeyk23 I've found if Tnt is running over a weekend this happens. Apparently it sets the beginning of the calendar view at launch of the application so if it's open for several days it could get off.

abgmann6 wrote re: Calendar View
on 15 Aug 2013 6:46 PM

Why can't we scroll forward or backward by month. If I am scheduling farther out then next week, I can't see what I have there.

Bob Mac Leod wrote re: Calendar View
on 15 Aug 2013 8:01 PM

The primary purpose of the Calendar is to help you avoid overlapping appointments in your current MPD work. It's not designed to be an Outlook-type calendar. If you want to see your full schedule of all upcoming activities, then use the Tasks View.

Dan Dlugos wrote re: Calendar View
on 10 Sep 2013 4:08 PM

So I was talking with one of my constituents while out of the office, and we agreed to meet next week, so I added the appointment to my calendar on my phone.  This is synced with Google Apps, so it was added to my Calendar in Outlook next time I logged in on my computer.

Now, when I sync my Outlook calendar with tntmpd, I can import those appointments into tnt, but I cannot find a way to assign that meeting to the specific constituent. I have to delete that appointment, go to the specific persons record, and then create a new appointment in TNT and sync is back to Outlook.  Am I missing something?

Troy Wolbrink wrote re: Calendar View
on 13 Sep 2013 4:40 PM

Dan, You have two ways to do this:

1.  Put the name into the subject of the appointment like "[LastName, FirstName] blah blah".  Then TntMPD should match it up.

2.  Let the appointment import into the "Me" contact (the default behavior).  Then in TntMPD, right-click on the appointment (while under the "Tasks" tab of the "Me" contact) to "Link Item(s) to a Different Contact".