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Video: Import Contacts-Setup List in Excel



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Video: Import Contacts-Setup List in Excel

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Importing Contacts: Set up your list in Excel

Creating your initial address list in Excel is often easier and quicker than putting the information directly into TntConnect. This tutorial shows how to format your Excel file, so it imports to TntConnect in the most efficient manner.

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Video: Import Contacts from Excel

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Tony O'Hagan wrote re: Video: Import Contacts-Setup List in Excel
on 4 Apr 2014 3:30 AM

Here's the text for the heading columns that you can copy/paste as the 1st row in a new Excel spreadsheet:

You might wish to import fewer columns

Phone Email Title First/Given Name Last/Family Name Spouse Title Spouse First/Given Name Home Street Address Home Suburb Home State Home Post Code Home Country Home Phone Mobile Phone Spouse Mobile Phone Email 1 Email 2 Facebook Spouse Facebook Notes Pledge Amount Pledge Frequency MPD Phase Next Ask Never Ask City/Region Likely To Give

BobCole wrote re: Video: Import Contacts-Setup List in Excel
on 6 Aug 2015 4:43 PM

How do I populate "Other" in the contacts?

Also, I have donor ID numbers that need to be associated with each contact. I assume this would go under the "User" tab. Can I import this ID number as another column which then gets put into the "User" tab?

Troy Wolbrink wrote re: Video: Import Contacts-Setup List in Excel
on 30 Aug 2015 8:01 AM

Bob, you want to import into the "Other Address" fields?  I'm not sure what you're asking.  You can import donor ids into the "Organization Account IDs" field.  --Troy

ClaireDrevets wrote re: Video: Import Contacts-Setup List in Excel
on 20 Aug 2020 2:07 PM

Is it better to enter all the information into an Excel spreadsheet first, or directly into TNT?

Troy Wolbrink wrote re: Video: Import Contacts-Setup List in Excel
on 28 Aug 2020 9:08 PM

It depends on your goals.