Datos de resumen
At the top right of the Contact View is a summary of each contact's MPD activity. This displays five items:
Send Newsletter
If the contact's "Send Newsletter" box is checked, an envelope will appear.
MPD Phase or Pledge
The MPD Phase is shown unless they are a financial partner. In that case, it shows their pledge amount and frequency.
Giving Status
A colored dot representing their status. A PARTNER-Financial will show no average until their first gift is received, even if the Pledge box is checked. See the table below for a description of each colored dot.
Average monthly gift
This average computes differently for financial partners (PARTNER-Financial MPD Phase) than for other MPD Phases. Financial partners are computer on the average associated with their pledge, while non-financial partners are computed on a straight 12-month average.
Leer más > Como se calcula el promedio mensual
Donor Number
If you download gifts from your organization, TntMPD will display the donor number(s) for this contact.
Light Blue
Financial partners: Pledge box unchecked and no gifts ever received.
Financial partners: Current on pledge.
Financial partners: Behind on pledge (30-60 days)
Financial partners: Behind on pledge (61 days or more)
Only contacts whose MPD Phase is not PARTNER-Financial
No gifts in the last 12 months.
Dark Purple
Only contacts whose MPD Phase is not PARTNER-Financial
Gave a gift in the last 6 months.
Light Purple
Only contacts whose MPD Phase is not PARTNER-Financial
Gave a gift 6-12 months ago.
Leer más
Read More > Color Coding
Leer más > Ver datos importados de la organización