Many people learn better by doing rather than reading. This training guide will give you hands-on instruction in the major features of TntMPD. There are 13 sections, and each section is designed to take approximately 30 minutes each. The final session is just a summary and action time.
In a classroom setting, each section is designed for about 15 minutes of instruction from the front, followed by 15 minutes of hands-on work for that specific topic. The instruction portion of each session is built entirely from parts of the help manual.
The most important sessions are the first 7. By covering these sections, a user can get a very good picture of the major components of TntMPD. Sessions 8-12 cover features that are used less frequently.
Session 1: Introduction
Session 2: Entering Contacts
Session 3: Contact Information
Pestaña Sesión 4: Desarrollo
Session 5: Gifts
Session 6: Tasks & History
Session 7: Lookups
Session 8: Saved Groups
Session 9: Appeal Tracking
Session 10: Analysis & Tools
Session 11: Mail Merge
Session 12: Misc Ideas
Session 13: Next Steps