TntConnect TM
Helping you build powerful connections for a lifetime of ministry...

TntMPD 3.0.2 ... lots of bug fixes ... and some new features! from Bob!

(If you'd like to know more about TntMPD 3.0, here's the original blog post about TntMPD 3.0.)

All of the reported bugs in TntMPD 3.0.0 and 3.0.1 have been fixed in TntMPD 3.0.2.  I really appreciate all those who gave feedback.  It really helped! 

Please download and test it out!  Please provide your feedback in the comments below or on the beta testers forum.

TntMPD 3.0.2 not only fixes bugs, but it also introduces some new feature and some nice refinements to existing features.  Here's a link to the full release log.  Here are all the changes since TntMPD 3.0.0:

3.0.2 - 5/9/2013
  FEATURE - Added guidance to "Resolve Dropbox Conflicts" dialog to help user install Dropbox and move database.
  FEATURE - You can accept address/phone/email info from a new duplicate contact just added or imported.
  FEATURE - Reintroduced the Microsoft Access menu (Linked Access Database feature).
  FEATURE - When lookups return zero contacts, the Contact view support a new display so you can edit your last filter.
  FEATURE - Lookup favorites that return zero contacts can now be edited and re-saved.
  FEATURE - Added "MailChimp" and "Present" task types.
  FEATURE - The Task list is color coded like the History list (but old items and mass mailings never turn gray).
  FEATURE - Ctrl+A will now select all items in a task/history list.
  FEATURE - Backspace key will work the same as Delete on a task/history list (better for Mac keyboard).
  FEATURE - Color coded the task type drop down box when editing task/history.
  FIXED - "Cannot find CountryID 0" when downloading donor information from the web.
  FIXED - About box now shows 2013.
  FIXED - Contact view: MPD Phase no longer shows line above "Partner-Financial" when drop down is closed.
  FIXED - History view: changed "Scheduled" to "Logged" in "Combine History Logged as a Group".
  FIXED - Calendar view: fixed issue where multi-day events spilled over a little bit into the next day.
  FIXED - Issue where processing pending actions couldn't be cancelled.
  FIXED - Edit Task dialog, issue where "Never Due" check box meant the opposite.
  FIXED - Event Notifier add-on: you can now right-click for address/phone/email info (w/ TntMPD 2.1 labels).
  FIXED - Event Notifier add-on: "Assertion failure" when launching if database password was not remembered.
  FIXED - Event Notifier add-on: "file already in use" when launching if database already open in TntMPD.
  FIXED - File|Restore ... incorrectly showed backups of databases with same name but different source path.
  FIXED - Issue where double-click did nothing on the TntMPD/Outlook record reconciler.
  FIXED - "Access Violation" in "MSASN1.dll" when logging into database.
  FIXED - Mac issue "Unexpected organization name selected" when entering organization info for first time.
  FIXED - "Invalid Pointer Operation" when doing Gift Input for first time.
  FIXED - "Access Violation" when doing Gift Input for first time.
  FIXED - "Internal Error: Timestamps different" when synchronizing databases.
  FIXED - Issue where updating a donor record would cause duplicate email or mobile phone.
  FIXED - "Edit" menu operations (Cut, Copy, Paste, Select All, Undo) in a few places.
  FIXED - A few display issues in TntMPD and TntSync with high-dpi font scaling settings in Windows.
  FIXED - Several memory leaks.
  CHANGE - When auto-accepting email address from donor, if contact looks divorced email is not marked "preferred".
  CHANGE - TntMPD no longer logs a donor name change when organization puts spouse name into first name field also.
  CHANGE - Auto-thanks for gifts associated with an appeal now include the name of the appeal in the description.
  CHANGE - Improved the order of "Automatic Actions" on the Options dialog to better fit the MPD cycle.
  CHANGE - Changed naming of "address and phone" to "donor" in my places.
  CHANGE - Changed naming of "Input <x> from Web" under Tools menu to "Update <x> Info".
  CHANGE - Changed icon used to represent web updates from organization.
  CHANGE - Update Donor Info dialog ends with an info message and check box to lookup contacts w/ unreviewed info.
  CHANGE - Improved Drag-n-Drop email from Outlook detection of "Me" contact in email when a space is in the name.
  CHANGE - Improved performance of MailChimp sync dialog.
  CHANGE - Improved feedback when importing from or exporting to MailChimp.
  CHANGE - Bar charts have a lighter background.
  CHANGE - Edit Gift dialog: made organization memo box taller and added scroll bar.
  CHANGE - Improved tab order on several dialogs.
  CHANGE - Changed label from "Name" to "Please Enter Your Name" to the New User dialog.
  CHANGE - The green title panel on main views is hidden if scaled screen height is not atleast 540 pixels.
  CHANGE - Added donor name and TntMPD contact name to dialog when accepting donor info.
  NOTE - Linked Access Databases have read-only access to the TntMPD database.
  NOTE - Update queries in an Linked Access Database are applied directly to the current TntMPD database.
3.0.1 - 4/29/2013
  FEATURE - Right-click on Organization, Login or Profile in Gift Input to delete.
  FIXED - Issue where "Gift Input from Web" caused lookups to no longer work and other errors.
  FIXED - Issue where history tab wouldn’t refresh when the contact changed.
  FIXED - Issue where auto-fill wasn’t working on name and address fields as you type.
  FIXED - "TaskID (x) not found" after Gift Input if new tasks were generated.
  FIXED - "Either BOF or EOF is true" when mail merging.
  FIXED - User field labels did not appear customized in Lookup By Field and other places.
  FIXED - Mac: "Provider cannot be found" when exporting to Excel.
  FIXED - Removed strange faded area around map/community button on main screen.
  FIXED - "Requested operation requires elevation" when running TntSync and other programs.
  FIXED - "An outgoing call cannot be made…" when synchronizing with Outlook.
  FIXED - Issue where "Merge with Another Database" didn’t refresh main screen afterwards.
  FIXED - "Internal Error: Timestamps different" when synchronizing databases.
  FIXED - Mac: Added a caption to Back/Next buttons on browse dialog since images didn’t show.
  FIXED - Issue where TntSync might prompt you for a password twice when upgrading a database.
  FIXED - File|Close didn’t cause the "No Database Is Open" panel to appear.
  FIXED - TntSync doesn’t try to sync .laccdb files if a matching TntMPD synchronizer exists.
  FIXED - Issue where history was synchronized before users causing error.
  FIXED - Issue where Gift Input from Web would overwrite gift memo with organization memo.
  CHANGED - "Auto-Snap" check box to use a white font on Map title panel.
  CHANGED - Added Newsletter Media Preference to add/edit contact dialog.
  CHANGED - Added a scroll bar to the "Magnified Address" window and made it resizable.
  CHANGED - Added color coding to the "Pledge Fulfillment" report and lookup.
  CHANGED - Improved dialog for mapping email addresses when dragging in emails from Outlook.
  CHANGE - Width of gift grid under MPD tab will grow to a certain limit as the main screen gets wider.
  CHANGE - "Merge with Another Database" now prompts you to confirm and does an auto-backup.
  CHANGE - Added Last Gift [Payment Method, Organization, Donor ID] to Contact Details dialog.
  CHANGE - When editing a task, a blank "appointment length" is interpreted as zero.
  CHANGE - Mac: Made it easier to select "Use this Address on Map Instead" menu for Other Address.
  CHANGE - Mac: Removed delay when expanding phone/email sections since animation didn’t show.
  NOTE - Added Jet 4.0 SP8 back to SetupTntMPD.exe.
  NOTE - MPD Progress always uses last day of week for "LogDate".
  NOTE - changed how Donor.RefGuid is generated.
  NOTE - Fixed "LocalProperty" table usage and removed some unused properties.


Posted 25 May 2013 12:10 AM by Troy Wolbrink


Mike W wrote re: TntMPD 3.0.2 ... lots of bug fixes ... and some new features!
on 10 May 2013 3:23 PM

In the dialog when I Accept changes from the CCC donor info, I change the phone location to Home2. The button changes from Overwrite to Add, but it still puts it in the default field and overwrites what was there.

Bob Mac Leod wrote re: TntMPD 3.0.2 ... lots of bug fixes ... and some new features!
on 11 May 2013 2:47 PM

I like the new Gift download button, and the new Google Maps button.

Jason Maas wrote re: TntMPD 3.0.2 ... lots of bug fixes ... and some new features!
on 13 May 2013 4:04 PM

Strongly agree with Bob - new Gift Download icon is much better!

Troy Wolbrink wrote re: TntMPD 3.0.2 ... lots of bug fixes ... and some new features!
on 13 May 2013 10:39 PM

Thanks, Bob and Jason.

Mike, I'll get that fixed in TntMPD 3.0.3.  I'm so glad you discovered that bug and reported it!

NicholasAlsop wrote re: TntMPD 3.0.2 ... lots of bug fixes ... and some new features!
on 15 May 2013 12:36 AM

Bob and or Troy,

I am doing my first MailChimp Sync in TNTMPD.

I have several questions about how to get each contact with the correct newsletter option.

First, what is the meaning of Paper (w/ email backup) intended to mean?

Next, I have a large list of people I email the newsletter to from Mailchimp.

How I can get all the people I send email newsletters to from Mailchimp to have the Email Only marked in TNTMPD in version 3.0?

NicholasAlsop wrote re: TntMPD 3.0.2 ... lots of bug fixes ... and some new features!
on 15 May 2013 12:36 AM

Also as a follow up on the newsletter options in TNTMPD.

Can you add the different options to the "Group Actions" menu in "Mass Change a Field" option? Currently it only allows for True or False.

Troy Wolbrink wrote re: TntMPD 3.0.2 ... lots of bug fixes ... and some new features!
on 15 May 2013 2:03 PM

Nicholas, "Paper (w/ email backup)" means that you'd prefer to send a paper newsletter, but if their mailing address ever becomes undeliverable, you'll use their email as a backup (until you discover their new address).  In contrast, "Paper Only" means that if their mailing address becomes undeliverable you don't send them an email even if they have an email address.

In the "Mass Change a Field", you can also change the field "Newsletter Media Preference".

With MailChimp, the new default is to only sync with contacts in TntMPD that receive an email newsletter (the alternative is to sync anyone who even "allows email" ... i.e. not "Paper Only")  If there are still emails in MailChimp that fall outside this criteria, you can import them into TntMPD.  The "Import Action" tells you what this means for each email address.  It might mean adding a new contact, marking an email address as preferred, or it might mean changing the newsletter media preference to allow/prefer an email address.

After you sync w/ MailChimp, if you synced w/ the option to only "Sync Email Newsletter Recipients", then you could [Lookup | Newsletter Recipients | Receives EMAIL Newsletter] to see all the contacts synced w/ MailChimp.  Theb, you could mass change the "Newsletter Media Preference" to "Email Only" if you wanted.  If you have any financial partners in that lookup, however, you might want to set them to "Email (w/ paper backup)".

Schaufi wrote re: TntMPD 3.0.2 ... lots of bug fixes ... and some new features!
on 15 May 2013 2:11 PM

> Email (w/ paper backup)

oh it would be sooooooo cool if Tnt would actually send the newsletter itself and use the bouces to switch that automatically to paper ;)

that will be a feature in TntMPD 4.0 :D

Bob Mac Leod wrote re: TntMPD 3.0.2 ... lots of bug fixes ... and some new features!
on 15 May 2013 2:27 PM

New 4.0 features? How about the "Auto Generate New Referrals from Existing Contacts" button? Perhaps it could use the integrate White and Google Maps to do it... :)