TntConnect TM
Helping you build powerful connections for a lifetime of ministry...

Why do I get an error, "A first, last or organization name must be entered...", when importing contacts from a csv file?: Revision #1 from Bob!

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How do I get past, "A first, last or organization name must be entered for this contact., , No records were imported"?

Here's some information on how to get past the error "A first, last or organization name must be entered for this contact." when you're importing contacts from a csv file:

When you import contacts, you can either import a contact

  • with just an Organization Name (no Title, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name or Suffix).
  • with a First Name and/or Last Name (no Organization Name).

Each contact must have either an Organization Name or it must have a First/Last Name.

If you are importing into the "Is Organization" field, then this must correspond appropriately.

If you want to specify where the contact works, use the "Company Name" for this purpose.