DonorWise TM
Enhanced communication with donors, enhanced ministry credibility...
Creating & Editing Batches




It is our pleasure to provide this software free of charge to help you in your ministry.  We're so thankful for our partners who make this possible!

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Creating & Editing Batches

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Overview: Entering Batches

1.Decide whether this is a donation batch or a transfer batch.

Donation batches are primarily donations, but include any type of incoming funds including material sales, conference revenue, etc.

2.Select the <New Batches> link.

3.Press the <New Batch> button.

4.Enter a descriptive name for the batch.

5.Verify the batch will post in the correct period (typically the open period).

6.Select the date of the batch.

7.Press the <Next> button.

8.Enter the payment type(s) and amount(s) for each payment type.

9.Press the <Next> button.

10.Enter the contributions in the batch.

11.Press the <Mark Complete> button.

12.The batch will now be ready for Approval and appear in the Approve Batches screen.

Read More

Creating a new Donation Batch

Entering a Donation

Creating a new Transfer Batch

Video: Batch Entry Screen Overview

Video: Creating a new Donation Batch

Video: Transfer Batches

Video: Reverse-Correct-Refund Overview